Mock Test on ICAR PG Exam – Animal Sciences 2.0 06/07/2020 by Dr. Amandeep Singh 18 Comments Welcome to your Mock Test on ICAR PG Exam - Animal Sciences 2.0 Name Email University 1. Extension Education isDeselect Answer Formal education Informal education Non-formal education Out of box education 2. Community Development Project started in the yearDeselect Answer 1950 1951 1952 1953 3. Which of the following attributes of innovation are negatively correlated with its adoptionDeselect Answer Trialability Complexity Observability Predictability 4. Which of the following is not a mass contact methodDeselect Answer Leaflets Campaign Posters Office call 5. The first step in extension teaching isDeselect Answer Satisfaction Action Awareness Attention 6. Two-factor theory of motivation was given byDeselect Answer Herzberg Maslow Roling Weber 7. Which of the following is an example of specimen?Deselect Answer River Sun Mountain Beetle 8. Who is known as "Father of Indian Extension Education"?Deselect Answer KN Singh A Adivi Reddy Van Den Ben James Stuart 9. The cone of experience was developed byDeselect Answer Kuldeep Nair Edgar Dale S C Parmar C K Berlo 10. Flag method is categorized underDeselect Answer Spoken method Written method Group method Mass method 11. The most suited extension method to show the relative worth of a new practice isDeselect Answer Campaign Group discussion Result demonstration Method demonstration 12. The blue print of action is known asDeselect Answer Project Programme Plan Objective 13. The toll free number for Kisan Call Centre isDeselect Answer 1515 1551 5151 5115 14. Multilingual 'Pashu Prajanan App' was developed byDeselect Answer NDRI IVRI NIANP CIRB 15. KVKs were established on the recommendations ofDeselect Answer M S Mehta Committee B R Mehta Committee M S Swaminathan Committee Kothari Committee 16. Total number of KVKs in India areDeselect Answer 616 656 716 756 17. The uncomfortable state of mind which an individual tends to eliminate isDeselect Answer Disturbance Dissonance Digracement Disenchantment 18. The true quantitative variable among the following isDeselect Answer Gender Age Race Religion 19. Type of sampling in which all the items of the universe have equal chance of getting selected is called asDeselect Answer Proportionate sampling Probability sampling Non-probability sampling Quota sampling 20. t-test tends to be Z-test when the sample size increases beyondDeselect Answer 10 20 30 40 21. Eye colour in Drosophila is an example ofDeselect Answer Sex linked inheritance Sex limited inheritance Sex influenced inheritance Incomplete dominance 22. If the X/A ratio is 0.5, the individual will beDeselect Answer Intersex Normal female Normal male Super female 23. Total number of barr bodies in an individual with Turner’s syndromeDeselect Answer Zero 1 2 3 24. In translocation, the exchange of chromosomal segments occursDeselect Answer With in the same chromosome Between homologous chromosomes Between non homologous chromosomes Both b and c 25. Type of gene action in general combining ability (GCA) isDeselect Answer Additive Non-additive Both of the above None of the above 26. Range of h2 and fitness isDeselect Answer Zero to 1 -1 to +1 Zero to infinity Infinity to infinity 27. The proportion of population which shows genetic death isDeselect Answer Genetic sterility Genetic linkage Genetic load Genetic drift 28. For inbreeding, mated individuals should have common ancestors with inDeselect Answer 2-3 generations 4-6 generations 6-8 generations More than 10 generations 29. Inbreeding coefficients of progenies produced by self-mating, parent offspring mating, full sibs and half sibs are in the orderDeselect Answer 1, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125 0.5, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125 1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.25 0.5, 0.25, 0.25, 0.125 30. Hissardale is a cross betweenDeselect Answer Merino ewe x Bikaneri ram Lincoln ram x Rambouillet ewe Merino ram x Bikaneri ewe Lincoln ewe x Rambouillet ram 31. In the second generation, hybrid vigour will beDeselect Answer Same as the first Double of the first Half of the first None of the above 32. Selection differential depends on several factors exceptDeselect Answer Phenotypic standard deviation Sex of the individual Heritability Proportion of animals selected 33. The intensity of selection depends with number traits considered ‘n’ isDeselect Answer 1/n 1/n2 n 1/√n 34. Non additive gene action includeDeselect Answer Epistasis Dominance Interaction All of the above 35. If heritability of a particular trait is 0.2, then it indicatesDeselect Answer Trait is 20% heritable Additive genetic variance is 20% Breeding value of individual is 80% Phenotypic variance is 80% 36. If the coefficient of selection is 0.25, then the fitness isDeselect Answer 1 0.25 0.75 0.50 37. Father of modern animal breeding isDeselect Answer Bakewell Wright Lush Gauss 38. In Recurrent Reciprocal Selection which of the following is not involvedDeselect Answer GCA SCA Inbred line Heterozygosity 39. The goat breed Toggenberg originated fromDeselect Answer Spain Denmark Switzerland France 40. The significance of two variances is tested by which testDeselect Answer t F Chi-square Z 41. When fat content of ruminant ration is increased beyond 10% then it would lead toDeselect Answer Increase fiber digestion Decrease fiber digestion Increase protein digestion Decrease protein digestion 42. For conversion of tyrosine to melanin, enzymes require which of the following metal ions?Deselect Answer Cu Mn Mg Co 43. End product of carbohydrate digestion in non-ruminant isDeselect Answer Glycogen Glucose VFAs Maltose 44. Which of the following is not correctly matchedDeselect Answer Soybean: Trypsin inhibitor Raw fish: Thiaminase Tapioca: HCN Ricin: GNC 45. Water requirement is related to:Deselect Answer Energy intake Mineral intake DM intake Protein intake 46. Heat increment is the heat lost asDeselect Answer Post absorptive state Exercise Excess energy intake None of the above 47. Which of the following is essential fatty acid for farm animalsDeselect Answer Linolenic acid Butyric acid Octanoic acid Lauric acid 48. Anti-sterility vitamin isDeselect Answer Cyanocobalamine Tocopherol Ergosterol Cholesterol 49. Vitamin G is also known asDeselect Answer Thiamine Riboflavin Pyridoxine Niacin 50. Gross energy can be determined byDeselect Answer Carbon Nitrogen balance Adiabatic calorimeter Thermometer Bomb-Calorimeter 51. In ruminants, how much amount of methane energy lost as % of GE intake?Deselect Answer 5-7% 8-10% 11-12% 13-15% 52. Which of the following amino acids contain sulphur?Deselect Answer Tryptophan Lysine Methionine Citrulline 53. Avidine is an anti-metabolite forDeselect Answer Choline Folic acid Lipoic acid Biotin 54. Urea is best utilized by ruminants in presence ofDeselect Answer Protein Available carbohydrate Fats Minerals 55. Osteomalacia is a condition usually seen inDeselect Answer Dry non-pregnant animals Young animals Growing animals Adult animals 56. Heat production in animal varies withDeselect Answer Body weight Body size Metabolic body size None of the above 57. Antibiotic feed additives in pre-ruminant calves are recommended because itDeselect Answer Reduces calf scours Increases palatability Early maturity None of the above 58. Zinc deficiency in pigs and cattle causesDeselect Answer Paratuberculosis Parathyroid disease Parakeratosis Perosis 59. By-Pass protein indicate protecting high quality protein from microbial degradation inDeselect Answer Rumen Large intestine Small intestine Rectum 60. The %DCP content in calf starter isDeselect Answer 18-20 14-16 12-14 24-26 61. Sub-order Perissodactyla refers toDeselect Answer Even-toed ungulates Odd-toed ungulates Carnivores Mammals 62. In loose housing system, floor space of open area required for bull in square feet isDeselect Answer 100-200 180-200 240-260 20-24 63. Cross between a male horse and female ass isDeselect Answer Mule Jennet Honkey Hinny 64. The largest contribution to meat production in India is byDeselect Answer Poultry Sheep Goat Pig 65. The natural feeding behaviour of goats is known asDeselect Answer Ranching Browsing Grazing Lurching 66. Act of mating in sheep is known asDeselect Answer Ramming Eweing Tupping Coupling 67. Castrated male pig is known asDeselect Answer Steer Gelding Wether Barrow 68. In case of ewe, feeding of extra greens 2-3 weeks prior to the breeding season is known asDeselect Answer Steaming up Challenge feeding Flushing Force feeding 69. Smallest piglet in a litter is known asDeselect Answer Crit Runt Card All of the above 70. A cow which is apparently always in heat is calledDeselect Answer Heater Freemartin Buller None of the above 71. As per BIS Specifications, the percentage of calcium in layer ration should beDeselect Answer 1 2 3 4 72. The dual purpose chicken variety Vanaraja was developed byDeselect Answer CARI, Izatnagar CPDO, Bengaluru IVRI, Izatnagar DPR, Hyderabad 73. Total permanent teeth in swine amounts toDeselect Answer 28 32 36 44 74. Ear notching is commonly used as identification technique inDeselect Answer Poultry Pig Sheep Cattle 75. For removal of dried dung etc., brushing is carried outDeselect Answer In the same direction as hair flow Against the flow of hair Perpendicular to hair flow Brushing is not used for the purpose 76. Bentonite in the poultry diet is an example ofDeselect Answer Hormone Anti-oxidant Adsorbent Pellet binder 77. Chemical method of disbudding involves use ofDeselect Answer Caustic soda Caustic potash Either of the above None of the above 78. The lactation phase of cattle and buffaloes with peak dry matter intake isDeselect Answer Early phase Mid phase Last phase All the above phases 79. Key Village Scheme to produce stud bulls of recognized breeds was initiated in theDeselect Answer First Five Year Plan Second Five Year Plan Third Five Year Plan Fourth Five Year Plan 80. The original breeding tract of Beetal goat isDeselect Answer Punjab Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu & Kashmir 81. Bloom is referred as the property ofDeselect Answer Fresh carcass Frozen carcass Cooked meat Smoked meat 82. Natural casings are prepared fromDeselect Answer Mucosa Submucosa Serosa Muscular layer 83. Frankfurter is a typical example ofDeselect Answer Uncooked sausage Cooked unsmoked sausage Cooked smoked sausage Uncooked smoked sausage 84. One livestock unit is equivalent toDeselect Answer 1 adult bovine: 2 pigs: 3 calves: 5 sheep 1 adult bovine: 3 pigs: 5 calves: 10 sheep 1 adult bovine: 3 pigs: 3 calves: 5 sheep 1 adult bovine: 2 pigs: 3 calves: 6 sheep 85. Myofibrillar proteins areDeselect Answer Fibrous Globular Fibrous and globular Neither fibrous nor globular 86. The colour of the pigment nitrosohemochromogen isDeselect Answer Brown Pink Red Bright red 87. ___________ is referred as inspector’s lymph nodeDeselect Answer Bronchial Mediastinal Supra scapular Popliteal 88. Most commonly used barrier bag for vacuum packaging areDeselect Answer Polyethylene Polyvinylidene Polypropylene Polyester 89. Cold shortening of muscle occurs when pre-rigor muscle is exposed to a temperature ofDeselect Answer 5 to –10 degree Celsius 0 to 15 degree Celsius -1.5 to –3 degree Celsius -20 to –30 degree Celsius 90. Bacterial spoilage in chilled meat is due to bacteria of _____________ groupDeselect Answer Psycrophillc Mesophillic Thermophillic Microaerophillic 91. The radiation dose of ________ is sufficient to kill the pathogenic bacteriaDeselect Answer 0.1 M rad 1 M rad 10 M rad 100 M rad 92. Water activity in intermediate moisture foods is maintained betweenDeselect Answer 6 – 0.85% 3 – 0.4% 8 – 1% 0.2 – 0.5% 93. The heat coagulation of milk occurs due toDeselect Answer Destabilization of milk proteins Desaturation of whey proteins Scaffolding of milk proteins All of above 94. Average protein content of carcass meal isDeselect Answer 30% 40% 50% 70% 95. Casings prepared from small intestine of sheep are calledDeselect Answer Weasand Middles Bungs Rounds 96. Fat percentage in khoa prepared from cow milk isDeselect Answer 20% 15% 25% 50% 97. Freezing point of meat lies betweenDeselect Answer - 2 to – 0 degree Celsius - 1 to –1.5 degree Celsius 0 to – 3 degree Celsius - 1 to 0 degree Celsius 98. Glycogen content of normal bovine muscle ranges fromDeselect Answer 5-1.3% 1-1% 2–3.5% 1- 3% 99. Cytoplasm of muscle fiber is called asDeselect Answer Protoplasm Sarcoplasm Sarcomere Ground substance 100. Meat patties are cooked in an oven to an internal temperature ofDeselect Answer 70 degree Celsius 90 degree Celsius 60 degree Celsius 85 degree Celsius 101. Anterior pituitary is embryo logically developed fromDeselect Answer Neural tube Neural crest Pharyngeal epithelium None of the above 102. Thermoregulation centre is located inDeselect Answer Hypothalamus Thalamus Motor cortex Hippocampus 103. Increase in one hormone level in circulation may decrease the affinity of receptor for other hormone throughDeselect Answer Negative co-operativity Positive co-operativity Permission action Reflex mechanism 104. The deficiency of iron causes which type of anemiaDeselect Answer Normocytic normochromic anemia Normocytic hypochromic anemia Microcytic hypochromic anemia Macrocytic hypochromic anemia 105. HCl and pepsin secretion in ruminants is done byDeselect Answer Rumen Reticulum Omasum Abomasum 106. Most of the blood clotting factors are produced inDeselect Answer Liver Lung Kidney Spleen 107. Bulbo-urethral gland is absent inDeselect Answer Dog Boar Bull Stallion 108. Split heat is usually observed inDeselect Answer Buffalo Bitch Mare Cow 109. Among the following domestic animals, sweating ability is highest inDeselect Answer Cattle Horse Sheep Goat 110. The most effective stimulus for cerebral circulation isDeselect Answer Oxygen deficiency Baro-receptor reflex Decreased glucose Excess carbon dioxide 111. Sertoli cells of testes secreteDeselect Answer Inhibin Estrogen Androgen binding protein All of the above 112. Sympathetic post-ganglionic neurotransmitter isDeselect Answer Nor-epinephrine Acetylcholine Serotonin 5-HT 113. Major route of heat loss in cattle during high environmental temperature is byDeselect Answer Conduction Convection Radiation Evaporation 114. Animal in which the internal temperature varies with external temperature are called asDeselect Answer Temperature regulators Temperature conformers Heterotherms Endotherms 115. Which one of the following circulatory division has the lowest pressure?Deselect Answer Capillaries Arteries Veins Arterioles 116. Which of the following VFAs is given with milk replacer for development of ruminal epitheliumDeselect Answer Caproate Butyrate Acetate Propionate 117. Cardiac output can be represented by the formulaDeselect Answer Stroke Volume/Pulse rate Stroke Volume – Pulse rate Stroke Volume x Pulse rate Pulse rate/Stroke Volume 118. Pancreatic bicarbonate secretion is enhanced byDeselect Answer Secretin Motilin Cholecystokinin Gastrin 119. Which segment of the renal tubule is impermeable to water?Deselect Answer Proximal convoluted tubule Thick segment of ascending loop of Henle Collecting duct Thin segment of descending loop of Henle 120. Which of the following is the function of estrogen hormoneDeselect Answer Secondary sexual character Mammary gland duct system development Sex hormone All of the above Please fill in the comment box below.
Ruchi Bansal says 12/07/2020 at 5:27 PM Sir send the answer key so i can improve myself better and find out my mistakes so that i never repeated them. Thank you Reply
SANDEEP JUGRAN says 12/07/2020 at 7:02 PM The questions were easier this time as compared to the previous test. btw Thanks for the test. Reply
Dr. Amandeep Singh says 12/07/2020 at 7:04 PM You should be knowing all the things. Hard as well as easy. Most of the people attempt easy questions as wrong in the paper. Reply
Hitendra Singh says 12/07/2020 at 7:11 PM Questions of moke test was very informative and help us to improve our knowledge and gibe our best in examination. Thank to all team mambers. Reply
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The questions were easier this time as compared to the previous test. btw Thanks for the test.
You should be knowing all the things. Hard as well as easy. Most of the people attempt easy questions as wrong in the paper.
Questions of moke test was very informative and help us to improve our knowledge and gibe our best in examination.
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