Mock Test on ICAR PG Exam – Veterinary Sciences 4.0 14/08/2020 by Dr. Amandeep Singh 5 Comments Welcome to your Mock Test on ICAR PG Exam - Veterinary Sciences 4.0 Name Email University 1. Gold standard test for the rabies diagnosis isDeselect Answer dFAT Sandwich ELISA Real-time PCR None of the above 2. Choose the special stain used for the staining of keratinDeselect Answer Dane’s method Weigert method Fraser lendrum method Van-giesons method 3. Hemorrhages at the base of the pulmonary artery in sheep are the characteristic gross finding ofDeselect Answer FMD CD BT Pseudorabies 4. Which of the following factors affect the rate of post-mortem autolysis?Deselect Answer Environmental temperature Size of the animal Fat content of the animal All of the above 5. Pale yellowish bone marrow, atrophied thymus, hemorrhage in the breast and leg muscles in poultry are the characteristic post-mortem findings ofDeselect Answer Reoviral arthritis Egg drop syndrome Chicken infectious anemia Pullorum Disease 6. Chronic latent infection is the characteristic feature ofDeselect Answer Mumps Herpes Virus Adenovirus Paramyxo Virus 7. Choose the role of C3a and C5a in the different reaction of inflammationDeselect Answer Vasodilation Increase vascular permeability Leucocyte activation and recruitment Do not play any significant role 8. Localized collection of purulent inflammatory changes caused by the suppuration buried in a tissue, organ or confined space is known asDeselect Answer Pustule Maccule Abscess All of the above 9. Mediator responsible for the fever in acute inflammation isDeselect Answer IL-1 TNF Prostaglandin All of the above 10. Paraneoplastic syndrome includesDeselect Answer Endocrinopathies Hypercalcemia Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy All of the above 11. Microscopic lesion including congested, edematous hemorrhagic trachea, minute foci of lymphocytes and plasma cell in the kidney and ovary, and atrophied oviduct in poultry is indicative ofDeselect Answer Infectious bronchitis Infectious laryngotracheitis Avian Influenza None of the above 12. Silver stain is used for the diagnosis ofDeselect Answer Fungi Legionellae Pneumocyte All of the above 13. The secondary fixative which is used for the fixation in the electron microscopy isDeselect Answer Glutaraldehyde Osmium tetroxide Either A or B No need of any secondary fixation in electron microcopy 14. Which gene is the most common target for the genetic alteration in human tumor and is also known as the 'Guardian of the Genome'Deselect Answer p53 Bax BAD BCl2 15. The association of endotoxin in gram-negative bacteria is a result of the presence ofDeselect Answer Peptidoglycan Lipopolysaccharides Polypeptides Steroids 16. Bacteriophage can be readily counted by the process ofDeselect Answer Plaque assay ELISA Electron Microscopy Immunoassay 17. The condition required for autoclaving isDeselect Answer 121 °C temp and 15 lbs. pressure for 15 min 120 °C temp and 20 lbs. pressure for 30 min 150 °C temp for 1 hr. 130 °C temp for 2 hr. 18. Culture medium for Mycobacterium tuberculosis isDeselect Answer L J medium Mac Conkey’s Medium Wilson blair medium None of these 19. HIV belongs toDeselect Answer Retroviridae family Rhabdoviridae family Reoviridae family Coronaviridae family 20. Epidemic typhus is caused byDeselect Answer R. mooseri R. prowazakii R. quintana Any of the above 21. Rabies virus isolated from natural human or animal infection is termed asDeselect Answer Street virus Fixed virus Both a and b None of the above 22. The strain of fungi used for the large scale production of penicillin isDeselect Answer Penicillium chrysogenum Penicillium notatum Streptomyces Aurecus Saccharomyces species 23. During conjunction, the genetic material is transferred throughDeselect Answer Cell wall Medium Pili Capsule 24. Vaccines prepared from killed microbes are calledDeselect Answer Attenuated vaccines Autogenous vaccine Inactivated vaccine None of these 25. Rickettsia can be stained withDeselect Answer Giemsa stain Gimenez stain Both of the above None of the above 26. Praziquantel and tartar emetic is drug of choice forDeselect Answer Schistosoma sp. Fasciola sp. Notocotylus Dipelidium 27. Acid rebound effect is observed withDeselect Answer Sodium bicarbonate Sodium citrate Sodium chloride Potassium iodide 28. Which of the following is an H1-receptor antagonist?Deselect Answer Nizatidine Ranitidine Terfenadine Famotidine 29. Proton pump blockers act by inhibitingDeselect Answer H+-K+- ATPase H+-Na+- K+- ATPase H+-Ca++ -K+- ATPase K+- ATPase 30. Which of the following sulfonamide is used as topical agent?Deselect Answer Sulfacetamide Sulphaguanadine Sulfaquinoxaline Sulfasalazine 31. A canine breed most susceptible to copper toxicity isDeselect Answer Bedlington terrier Labrador Collie Pomeranian 32. Fastest response in living tissues is produced by which type of receptor action?Deselect Answer GPCR Ligand gated ion channels Enzymatic receptors Receptors mediating gene transcription 33. Phase 4 of clinical studies in drug development is also known asDeselect Answer Pharmacognosy Pharmacovigilance Pharmacophore Polypharmacy 34. Administration of penicillin is contraindicated by which route?Deselect Answer Intramuscular route Intrathecal route Intra-articular route Intravenous route 35. Haemorrhage is a characteristic toxic effect of which of the following?Deselect Answer Cyanide Nitrate Carbon tetrachloride Warfarin 36. Presence of heavy metals in biological samples can be qualitatively detected byDeselect Answer Nessler’s reagent Reinch’s test Diphenylamine test Picric acid paper test 37. An agent used against anaerobic bacteria as well as protozoa isDeselect Answer Mebendazole Metronidazole Methicillin Marbofloxacin 38. Ketoconazole acts byDeselect Answer Inhibition of ATP syntheis Interference with fungal ionic channels Inhibition of fungal ergosterol synthesis Depolarisation of fungal plasma membrane 39. Which one of the following pairs of poison and site of action is correctly matched?Deselect Answer OP-compounds: Cholineacetyl transferase Cyanide: Monoamino oxidase Lead: Acetylcholineesterase Warfarin: Vitamin-K epoxide reductase 40. A specific iron chelating agent useful in acute and sub-acute toxicosisDeselect Answer Dimercaprol D-penicillamine Ammonium tetrathiomolybdate Desferroxamine 41. Which of the following is not a zoonotic disease?Deselect Answer Cryptosporidiosis Hydatidosis Visceral larva migrans Haemonchosis 42. The relationship in which one organism benefits nutritionally from another without harming the benefactor is known asDeselect Answer Commensalism Phoresy Mutualism Parasitism 43. The drug of choice for treatment of fasciolosis isDeselect Answer Ivermectin Triclabendazole Pyrantel Albendazole 44. The nematode parasite which causes Hump sore in cattle isDeselect Answer Stephanofilaria assamensis Stephanofilaria zaheeri Setaria cervi Onchocerca gibsoni 45. Gastric myiasis in horses is caused byDeselect Answer Gasterophilus sp. Chrysomyia sp. Lucilia sp. Calliphora sp. 46. In Diphyllobothriosis in dog, deficiency of the following nutrient occursDeselect Answer Vit A Calcium Vit. B12 Phosphorous 47. Eimeria tenella which causes caecal coccidiosis occurs in the birds of age groupDeselect Answer 4-6 weeks 8-9 weeks 12-14 weeks 19-20 weeks 48. The nematode parasite found in the eye of equines isDeselect Answer Thelazia rhodesii Thelazia lacrymalis Habronema majus Habronema muscae 49. Follicular mange in canines is caused by which mite species?Deselect Answer Sarcoptes scabei Demodex canis Psoroptes canis Otodectes cyanotis 50. Which of the following species of coccidia affect birds at the point of laying?Deselect Answer Eimeria acervulina Eimeria mivati Eimeria necatrix Eimeria hagani 51. Moulting pockets are formed in the skin of dog in following mite infection?Deselect Answer Demodex canis Psoroptes ovis Sarcoptes scabiei Oribatid mite 52. The protozoa which causes early abortion in cattle isDeselect Answer Babesia bigemina Trypanosoma equiperdum Tritrichomonas foetus Toxoplasma gondii 53. Commonly used method for removing temporary hardness in water during domestic use isDeselect Answer Washing soda Boiling Resins Calcium hydroxides 54. First case of Japanese Encephalitis was reported in India inDeselect Answer Maharashtra Assam West Bengal Uttar Pradesh 55. Which factor helps in multiplication of Brucella in the placenta of cattle?Deselect Answer Glycogen Oxytocin Erythritol Sucrose 56. Biosafety level used for Ebola virus isDeselect Answer BSL I BSL II BSL III BSL IV 57. Hepatitis A virus (HAV) belongs to familyDeselect Answer Picornaviridae Calciviridae Astroviridae Adenoviridae 58. Study of disease in relation to ecosystem is called asDeselect Answer Ecological Mosaic Landscape Epidemiology Ecological Interface Ecological Climax 59. Which of the following epidemiological studies is also called as retrospective study?Deselect Answer Cross sectional Cohort Nested Case control 60. The headquarter of ISO is located atDeselect Answer Rome Geneva Paris New Delhi 61. Symptoms of Staph. aureus food poisoning appears inDeselect Answer 12 hours 6 hours 24 hours 72 hours 62. Diagnostic test based on antigenic cross reaction between Rickettsia and Proteus strain isDeselect Answer MAT test Mantoux test Weil Felix test All of the above 63. Maximum Permissible Level (MPL) for lead in water isDeselect Answer 0.01 mg/lit 0.1 mg/lit 0.05 mg/lit 0.5 mg/lit 64. Which of the following is an example for obligatory cyclozoonoses?Deselect Answer Hydatidosis Taeniosis Dengue Brucellosis 65. What is the strain responsible for recent outbreak of Swine Flu in China in 2020?Deselect Answer G4 EA H1N1 G4 AE H1N1 G4 EA H5N1 None of these 66. Swiss cheese appearance of endometrium is associated withDeselect Answer Follicular cyst Luteal cyst Par ovarian cyst Both A and B 67. Which of the following is normal structure?Deselect Answer Follicular cyst Luteal cyst Cystic corpora lutea None of these 68. Accurate ultrasonographic diagnosis of pregnancy in cattle can be done atDeselect Answer 10 days after breeding 20 days after breeding 25 days after breeding 35 days after breeding 69. Peg cells are found inDeselect Answer Vagina Uterus Oviduct Ovary 70. Uterine caruncles have concave shape inDeselect Answer Cow Buffalo Sheep All of these 71. Smallest uterine body is present inDeselect Answer Mare Cow Buffalo Both B and C 72. Number of carbon atoms in estrogen isDeselect Answer 18 19 20 21 73. Which of the following hormone is decapeptide?Deselect Answer LH FSH GnRH Prolactin 74. Half life of oxytocin is approximatelyDeselect Answer 2-5 min 15 min 30 min 1 hr 75. Most common type of mummification in pig isDeselect Answer Hematic Papyraceous Both None 76. Winter anestrus commonly is observed inDeselect Answer Cow Buffalo Mare All of these 77. Post service pyometra is characteristic ofDeselect Answer Vibriosis Trichomoniasis Brucellosis IBR-IPV 78. On which day embryo collection is performed in buffaloDeselect Answer 3rd day 4th day 6th day 7th day 79. Bovine CL is unresponsive to luteolytic effect of PGF2-alpha untilDeselect Answer Day 5 of cycle Day 12 of cycle Day 16 of cycle None 80. Estrogen is luteolytic inDeselect Answer Ruminants Horse Pig All of these 81. Intramedullary pin does not counteract ____________ forceDeselect Answer Bending Shear Rotational Tension 82. Catoptric test is used to diagnoseDeselect Answer Retinal detachment Opacities on cornea and lens Glaucoma Proptosis 83. Distension of the great sesamoidean sheath is calledDeselect Answer Capped hock Arthritis Capped knee Wind galls 84. Radical surgery is surgery done toDeselect Answer Eliminate root cause Conserve damaged tissue Remove damaged tissue Correct malformations 85. The example of semi-closed with absorption system of administration of inhalant anaesthetics isDeselect Answer Magill system To and Fro system Cirale system Mask induction 86. Bacteria Bacillins stearothermophilus is used as biological indicator forDeselect Answer Gas sterilization Steam sterilization Cold sterilization None of the above 87. Inherent capability of the suture material to return to or maintain its original gross shape is called asDeselect Answer Elasticity Memory Capillarity Flexibility 88. Adhesion of the palpebral conjunctiva to the bulbar conjunctiva is called asDeselect Answer Ankyloblepharon Blepharospasm Blepharitis Symblepharon 89. The wound is known as infected if the bacterial count exceedsDeselect Answer 10 to the power 8 bacteria/gm 10 to the power 6 bacteria/gm 10 to the power 5 bacteria/gm 10 to the power 7 bacteria/gm 90. Avulsion fracture is common at theDeselect Answer Femur Humerus Olecranon process of ulna Scapula 91. Operation performed for entropion isDeselect Answer Y-V plasty Z-plasty V-Y plasty Holtz technique 92. During rumenotomy the rumen is fixed by usingDeselect Answer Finochitto frame Balfour’s frame Gelpi frame Weingarth’s frame 93. ________________ is an exostosis on the supero-antero-internal aspect of the first phalanxDeselect Answer Ring bone Splints Pyrimidal disease Bobba bone 94. Early biochemical change in subclinical hypothyroidism in dog isDeselect Answer Increased T4 Decreased T3 TSH and LDL cholesterol Decreased TSH 95. Hyperosmolarity is expected when the serum osmolality isDeselect Answer > 200 mOsm/L > 240 mOsm/L > 180 mOsm/L > 340 mOsm/L 96. Gag reflex test is performed to know the functional ability ofDeselect Answer Glossopharyngeal nerve Vestibulocochlear nerve Hypoglossaol nerve Trigeminal nerve 97. Normal level of ionized calcium in venous whole blood of cow isDeselect Answer 4.3 to 5.1 mg/dl 3.5 to 3.8 mg/d 3 mg/dl 6.5 to 8.5 mg/dl 98. Which among the following is not seen in alkaline urine?Deselect Answer Magnesium ammonium phosphate Urate Calcium carbonate Calcium phosphate 99. Which of the following is contraindicated in the treatment of pneumonia?Deselect Answer Anti-inflammatory Antibiotic Antitussive Bronchodilator 100. Conversion of iodine containing hormone T4 to T3 is affected by the deficiency ofDeselect Answer Vitamin A Selenium Zinc Vitamin B2 101. An example of isotonic fluid isDeselect Answer 5% Dextrose 5% Sodium bicarbonate 5% Sodium chloride 5% Potassium chloride 102. Excessive use of ammonia fertilizers in pastures or fodder crops may play a significant role in the etiology ofDeselect Answer Bovine ketosis Lactation tetany Parturient paresis Downer cow syndrome 103. An antibiotic which cross blood prostate barrier isDeselect Answer Amoxicillin Enrofloxacin Clindamycin Oxytetracycline 104. All are calcium channel blockers exceptDeselect Answer Diltiazem Amlodipine Verapamil Carvedilol 105. Which anion is specifically measured by urine reagent strip for ketonesDeselect Answer D- lactone D-glutamate Acetoacetate B-hydroxybutyrate 106. A sulfonamide-based anticonvulsant that suppresses epileptic foci and blocks the propagation of epileptic discharges isDeselect Answer Clorazepate Zonisamide Sulfidrin Felbamate 107. Medial strabismus is observed in the dysfunction of which nerve?Deselect Answer Glossopharyngeal Oculomotor Abducent None of the above 108. The shift to left denotes all except Deselect Answer Bacterial infection Inflammation Increase in immature neutrophils Increase in mature neutrophils 109. Filteration fraction refers toDeselect Answer GFR/RPF ratio GFR/RBF ratio RPF/GFR ratio RBF/GFR ratio 110. Glucose and amino acids are reabsorbed in nephro-tubules byDeselect Answer Co transport Counter transport Passive diffusion All the above 111. Norepinephrine will cause contraction of the smooth muscle in theDeselect Answer Bronchioles Intestine Pupils and ciliary body Arterioles 112. Prolactin promotes the secretion of Progesterone by Corpora Lutea in which species?Deselect Answer Rat & mice Rat & ewe Mice & ewe Mice & rabbit 113. Expiration is regulated by which center of the brain?Deselect Answer Pneumotaxic center Apneustic center Ventral respiratory group Dorsal respiratory group 114. External source of erythropoietin production in mammals isDeselect Answer Liver Lymph nodes Lungs Bone 115. Costal breathing is observed in all conditions exceptDeselect Answer Normal respiration Breathing difficulty Pneumo thorax Pain in abdomen 116. Cervical part of the supraspinatus ligament is called asDeselect Answer Superior check ligament Inferior check ligament Ligamentum nuchae Ligamentum arteriosum 117. Depression leading to two or more foramina is calledDeselect Answer Hiatus Sinus Foramen Meatus 118. Musculospiral groove is for the lodgement of which muscle?Deselect Answer Coracobrachialis Brachialis Biceps brachii Trapezius 119. Impression of heart is seen in the liver ofDeselect Answer Ox Fowl Horse Pig 120. Which one of the following laryngeal cartilages is paired?Deselect Answer Cricoid Arytenoid Thyroid Epiglottis Please fill in the comment box below.
Noralyn says 16/08/2020 at 4:56 PM Thank you ,. This exam will help a lot for us student to study more . We are hoping that you will continue this mock exam..It will help us a lot. Reply
Medhatithi Chakraborty says 12/05/2021 at 2:53 PM I wanted to give mock test to gain my knowledge and practice for jrf veterinary science pg exam Reply
Noralyn says
Thank you ,. This exam will help a lot for us student to study more . We are hoping that you will continue this mock exam..It will help us a lot.
Dr. Amandeep Singh says
Thanks Noralyn. Keep supporting.
Srk says
Useful one
Medhatithi Chakraborty says
I wanted to give mock test to gain my knowledge and practice for jrf veterinary science pg exam
Medhatithi Chakraborty says
It’s become helpful for us students