Mock Test on ICAR PG Exam – Veterinary Sciences 6.0 11/09/2020 by Dr. Amandeep Singh 8 Comments Welcome to your Mock Test on ICAR PG Exam - Veterinary Sciences 6.0 Name Email University 1. Thiosulfate conjugation Phase II reaction is important for detoxification ofDeselect Answer Mercury Ptaquiloside OPC pesticides Cyanide 2. Most of the therapeutic drugs follow first order kinetics characterised byDeselect Answer Excretion of constant fraction of drug per unit time Excretion of constant amount of drug per unit time Excretion of variable amount of drug per unit time None of the above 3. The ultimate toxicant of methanol causing ocular toxicity isDeselect Answer Formaldehyde Acetaldehyde Epoxides Cyanide 4. The concept of drug receptor theory is credited toDeselect Answer Ehrlich and Langley Dale and Black Fleming and Ehrlich Langley and Dale 5. The drug of choice for treatment of myasthenia gravis isDeselect Answer Edrophonium Neostigmine Atropine Acetylcholine 6. Biphasic reaction on blood pressure is seen with the administration ofDeselect Answer Adrenaline Nor adrenaline Dopamine Dobutamine 7. Antiemetic drug ondansetron acts on serotonin 5HT3 receptors that areDeselect Answer GPCRs Ligand gated ion channels Enzymatic receptors Receptors regulating gene transcription 8. Prolonged administration of sodium nitroprusside can result inDeselect Answer Fluoride poisoning Lead poisoning Nitrate poisoning Cyanide poisoning 9. Statins act as anti-dyslipidemic drugs by inhibiting which of the following enzyme?Deselect Answer Dopamine hydroxylase HMG CoA reductase Vitamin K epoxidase Rhodanese 10. The drug of choice for the treatment of central diabetes insipidus isDeselect Answer Insulin Desmopressin Mannitol Verapamil 11. An example of an intermediate acting glucocorticoid isDeselect Answer Dexamethasone Prednisolone Betamethasone Cortisone 12. A selective MAO-B inhibitor isDeselect Answer Tolacapone Selegiline Fluvoxamine Dopamine 13. A skeletal muscle relaxant that is agent of choice for patients with hepatic or renal insufficiency isDeselect Answer Atracurium Tubocurarine Rocuronium Vecuronium 14. Which of the following inhalant anaesthetic is also called as ‘laughing gas’?Deselect Answer Nitric oxide Nitrogen di oxide Nitrous oxide Nitric acid 15. Choose a bactericidal drug among the followingDeselect Answer Sulphonamides Fluoroquinolones Tetracycline Chloramphenicol 16. Cutaneous myiasis is caused byDeselect Answer Musca Fannia Lucilia Gastrophilus 17. Concomitant immunity plays important role inDeselect Answer Schistosomosis Hydatidosis Toxoplasmosis Cysticercosis 18. Endozoites are alternative terms forDeselect Answer Sporozoites Tachyzoites Bradyzoites Merozoites 19. The migrating larvae produce scarring of the internal wall of the aorta in the infection ofDeselect Answer Toxocara canis Draschia megastoma Spirocerca lupi Dictyocaulus filaria 20. ‘TICK-GARD’ is a first commercially exploited recombinant vaccine againstDeselect Answer Boophilus annulatus Hyalomma antolicum Boophilus microplus Dermacentor andersoni 21. Which stage of Ancylostoma larvae are passed in the milk of bitch for a period of three weeks after whelping?Deselect Answer L2 L4 L3 L5 22. Inornate, eyes absent, capitulum small, festoons present, palps short and conical. A dorsal process is present on the trochanter of first pair of legs are characters ofDeselect Answer Ixodes Haemaphysalis Dermacentor Amblyomma 23. Uterus is rosette like and central in position is found inDeselect Answer Echinococcus granulosus Taenia taeniaformis Taenia pisiformis Diphyllobothrium latum 24. Which stage is completely skipped in precocious strain of Eimeria tenella?Deselect Answer First generation Schizogony Gametogony Second generation Schizogony Third generation of Schizogony 25. In which adult mite all the legs end in claws with a structure like a comb?Deselect Answer Otodectes Notoedres Cnemidocoptes Cheyletiella 26. ‘Pirodog’ is a vaccine which is prepared fromDeselect Answer Schizonts Exoantigens Sporozoites Gametocytes 27. Which of the following flea has pronotal ctenidium only?Deselect Answer Echidnophaga spp. Ceratophyllus spp. Pulex spp. Spilopsyllus spp. 28. Fractional sterilization was introduced for the first time byDeselect Answer Joseph Lister John Tyndall Edward jenner Richard Petri 29. Demonstration of existence of phagocytic cells in blood and thus the discovery of phagocytosis was done byDeselect Answer Emil von Behring Elie Metchinikoff Fannie Hesse Edward Tatum 30. ___________ introduced complement fixation test for syphilisDeselect Answer Felix d’Herelle August von Wasserman Robert Koch Elie Metchnikoff 31. Which of the parasite prevents phagosome – lysosome fusion for the evasion of the immune response?Deselect Answer Leishmania spp. Theileria spp. Toxoplasma gondii Trypanosoma cruzi 32. Cells divide in three planes, in a regular pattern, producing cuboidal arrangement of cells called asDeselect Answer Staphylococcus Tetrad Sarcinae None of the above 33. _____________ are mutant organisms that requires a particular additional nutrient which the normal strains does not.Deselect Answer Lithotrophs Autotrophs Auxotrophs Heterotrophs 34. Which of the following is not an exotoxin?Deselect Answer Diphtheria toxin Leucocidin Hemolysin None of the above 35. Transforming principle was identified as DNA byDeselect Answer Avery Macleod Griffith Both A and B None of the above 36. Which of the following is not trueDeselect Answer Gracilicutes – bacteria lacking peptidoglycan in the cell wall Firmicutes – bacteria with gram positive cell wall Tenericutes – bacteria lacking cell wall All of the above 37. Rinderpest shares similarities in structure and antigenicity withDeselect Answer Canine distemper virus Measles virus Both A and B None of the above 38. The causative organism of pseudo-lumpy skin disease isDeselect Answer Capripoxvirus Bovine herpesvirus Swine poxvirus None of the above 39. Limberneck in birds is caused byDeselect Answer Staphylococcus Streptococcus Actinobacillus None of the above 40. Owl’s eye appearance of inclusion bodies is specific for cells infected with which virus?Deselect Answer Varicella zoster virus Cytomegalovirus Canine parvovirus Herpes simplex virus 41. Disease in pigs that is also known as ‘blue ear disease’ isDeselect Answer African swine fever Classical swine fever Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome Pseudorabies 42. Genome of chicken infectious anaemia isDeselect Answer Circoviridae Coronaviridae Picornaviridae Calciviridae 43. Which organism shows growth in presence of thionine and basic fuchsin?Deselect Answer Brucella suis Brucella abortus Brucella canis Brucella melitensis 44. Which organisms grows on potassium tellurite agar?Deselect Answer Corynebacterium diphteriae Campylobacterium jejuni Salmonella Typhimurium Mycobacterium bovis 45. Nestle 'Maggi' controversy is linked with the detection of alarming levels ofDeselect Answer Mercury Lead Cadmium Arsenic 46. Grow and Blow phenomenon is observed inDeselect Answer Cryptosporidium parvum Coccidioidomycosis immitis Toxocara canis Toxoplasma gondii 47. FSSAI is an agency ofDeselect Answer Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Ministry of Home Affairs Ministry of External Affairs Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare 48. Seropositivity of KFD was found in recent times inDeselect Answer Pig Dog Cat Cattle 49. 1st Director - General of WHO wasDeselect Answer M. Kalpan George B. Chisholm Margaret chan Tedros Adhanom 50. Tropical rain forest isDeselect Answer Autochthonous ecosystem Man made ecosystem Allochthonous ecosystem None 51. Majority of population is affected inDeselect Answer Hypoendemic Holoendemic Mesoendemic Hyperendemic 52. Term surveillance was given byDeselect Answer William Fur John Snow Cholera Tansley 53. Soluble antibiotics can be eliminated from milk byDeselect Answer Ultrafilteration Pasteurization Heating Storage 54. Q fever is aDeselect Answer Metazoonosis as well as cyclozoonoses Saprozoonoses as well as cyclozoonoses Metazoonos as well as direct zoonoses None of the above 55. Human form of mad cow diseases is known asDeselect Answer Scrapie CJD AIDS Rabies 56. Efforts to organize veterinary public health services in India were initiated in 1964 with the establishment of a Division of Zoonoses atDeselect Answer IVRI, Izatnagar NICD, New Delhi AIIHPH, Kolkata GBPUAT, Pantnagar 57. Main cause of postmortem muscle softening isDeselect Answer Cathepsin-D Cathepsin-B Cathepsin-L All of the above 58. Sequence of PM changes areDeselect Answer Rigor-algar-livor Livor-algar-rigor Algar-livor-rigor None of the above 59. Autolytic changes occur more rapidly inDeselect Answer Brain Liver Kidney All of the above 60. Direct FAT test can be performed inDeselect Answer Fresh tissue Frozen tissue Glycerolized tissue All of the above 61. Fibrinopurulent pericarditis, airsac vasculitis and peritonitis are the characteristic findings inDeselect Answer NCD Avian Influenza Infectious Bronchitis All of the above 62. Swallon liver with pin point spot with intranuclear inclusions body is the characteristic finding ofDeselect Answer IBH EDS CIA All of the above 63. The method specific for the demonstration of DNA isDeselect Answer The feulgen reaction Acridine orange method Lendrums phloxine tateazine method All of the above 64. For the demonstration of urate crystal sample should be preserved inDeselect Answer Carney or formaline alcohol Formalin Absolute alcohol Any of the above 65. Mouse inoculation test is performed for the detection ofDeselect Answer Rabies Prion disease L.monocytogenes All of the above 66. Sub endothelial hemorrhages in the papillary muscle of left ventricle of heart is common inDeselect Answer Rinderpest FMD Both of the above None of the above 67. Intervertrebral disc protrusion are common in which of the following breed(s) of dog?Deselect Answer Dachshunds Bulldog Both of the above None of the above 68. Supramammary lymph node congestion and enlargement is seen inDeselect Answer Brucellosis Johns Disease Tuberculosis All of the above 69. Strain used for the diffrentiation of MD and ALC isDeselect Answer Pyronin stain Danes stain Pyruate stain All of the above 70. Necrotic enteritis in birds is caused due to theDeselect Answer Cl. Perfringes Cl. Colinum Both of the above None of the above 71. Haemorragic nephrosis is the characteristic finding ofDeselect Answer Zn toxicity Cu toxicity Fe toxicity All of the above 72. Which of the following is not the surge centre?Deselect Answer Anterior hypothalamic area Preoptic nucleus Ventromedian nucleus 73. The method of oocyte collection from live donor animals isDeselect Answer Flushing Follicle aspiration Follicle slicing Ovum pickup technique 74. During sperm sexing by flow cytometry, Y spermatozoa is givenDeselect Answer Positive charge Neutral charge Negative charge Either positive or negative charge 75. Age of bovine fetus can be calculated fromDeselect Answer X= 2.0 (Y+21) X= 2.5 (Y+21) X= 2.0 (Y+17) X= 2.5 (Y+17) 76. Detection of fetal sex in cattle by using ultrasonography can be possible atDeselect Answer 35-45 days 45-55 days 55-70 days 70-90 days 77. Which of the following technique is used for detection of number of fetuses in bitch?Deselect Answer Abdominal palpation Ultrasonography Radiography Relaxin concentration 78. Which of the following hormone is used for pregnancy diagnosis in bitch?Deselect Answer Progesterone Estrogen Prolactin Relaxin 79. Number of cuts in complete fetotomy isDeselect Answer 4 6 8 10 80. Fertile life of horse sperm is _________ hours.Deselect Answer 36-48 48-72 72-120 120-150 81. Which of the following is minor sperm defect?Deselect Answer Pyriform head Double head Proximal protoplasmic droplet Distal protoplasmic droplet 82. Which of the following cryoprotectant is a permeating cryoprotectant?Deselect Answer Sucrose Raffinose Ethylene glycol Both A and B 83. Causative agent of lumpy wool disease of sheep isDeselect Answer Trichopyton verrucosum Chorioptes bovis Dermatophilus congolensis Staphylococcus aureus 84. Marker vaccine against bovine brucellosis isDeselect Answer Strain 45/20 Strain RB51 Strain 19 Strain 99 85. Blitz therapy is used for eradication of mastitis due toDeselect Answer Staphylococcus aureus Streptococcus uberis Streptococcus agalactiae Pseudomonas aeruginosa 86. Vallee’s vaccine is used for the control ofDeselect Answer Listeriosis Tuberculosis Johnes disease Blue tongue 87. The optimum age for vaccination against bovine brucellosis isDeselect Answer 2-4 months 10-12 months 4-8 months 12-15 months 88. The killed vaccine against Brucella melitensis infection isDeselect Answer Elberg’s Rev I Strain 19 53H38 RB 51 89. Etiology of strawberry foot rot in sheep isDeselect Answer Staphylococcus aureus Fusobacterium necrophorum Dichelobacter nodosus Dermatophilus congolensis 90. The strain of Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides used nowadays for vaccination isDeselect Answer KH3J T1/44 V5 All the above 91. Conversion of iodine containing hormone T4 to T3 is affected by the deficiency ofDeselect Answer Vitamin A Selenium Vitamin B Zinc 92. A sulfonamide-based anticonvulsant that suppresses epileptic foci and blocks the propagation of epileptic discharges.Deselect Answer Clorazepate Zonisamide Sulfidrin Felbamate 93. Comparative ruminal auscultation (double auscultation of rumen) is done to diagnoseDeselect Answer LDA RDA Both LDA and RDA Abomasitis 94. Excessive use of ammonia fertilizers in pastures or fodder crops may play a significant role in the etiology ofDeselect Answer Bovine ketosis Lactation tetany Parturient paresis Downer cow syndrome 95. Bacteria Bacillins stearothermophilus is used as biological indicator forDeselect Answer Gas sterilization Steam sterilization Cold sterilization None of the above 96. Catoptric test is used to diagnoseDeselect Answer Glaucoma Opacities on cornea and lens Retinal detachment Proptosis 97. Which type of hernia is usually congenital?Deselect Answer Umbilical Inguinal Incisional Hiatal 98. Obstructive oesophageal disease or choke is usually located atDeselect Answer Cervical esophagus Thoracic inlet Base of heart All of the above 99. Inflammation of coxo-femoral joint is known asDeselect Answer Gonitis Omarthritis Coxitis None of the above 100. The gait fault in which the foot is thrown inward in flight is calledDeselect Answer Paddling Winging Plating Rope walking 101. Which of the following is removed during spay?Deselect Answer Broad ligament and ovaries Ovaries and uterus Suspensory ligament and uterine horn Oviduct and ovaries 102. Endometritis that results in fluid and gas accumulation in uterus is calledDeselect Answer Physometra Mucometra Hydrometers Pyometra 103. Which of the following is clinical sign of caval syndrome?Deselect Answer Ascites Haemoglobinuria Exaggerated jugular pulses All of the above 104. During shock blood circulation is least affected inDeselect Answer Liver Kidney Pituitary gland Adrenal gland 105. Which local anaesthetic is ineffective when applied topically?Deselect Answer Procaine Lignocaine Tetracaine All of the above 106. Local anaesthetic act byDeselect Answer Affecting at Spinal level Affecting at Na+ channel Affecting at K- channel Blocking axonal transport 107. ____________ binds to NMDA receptors.Deselect Answer Acetylcholine Glycine Adrenaline Glutamate 108. Hageman factor isDeselect Answer Coagulation factor- X Coagulation factor- VIII Coagulation factor- XI Coagulation factor- XII 109. ______________ is used for measuring wind velocity.Deselect Answer Wind wane Hygrometer Anemometer Barometer 110. Receptor organ for balance in animal body isDeselect Answer Skeleton Eye Ear Nose 111. The foremost signal for initiation of parturition mechanism is given byDeselect Answer Dam Fetus Fetal Membrane Placenta 112. _______ helps in reabsorption of avian seminiferous tubule fluidDeselect Answer Testosterone Estrogen LH FSH 113. Ferguson’s reflex is observed in ______ stage of parturition.Deselect Answer First Second Third All of the above 114. Avian photoreceptors are located inDeselect Answer Pineal gland Eye Hypothalamus All of the above 115. Placental lactogen stimulates _________ &________ growth.Deselect Answer Fetal, Bone Fetal, Mammary Mammary, Ovarian All of the above 116. ______ number of teat(s) has _______ number of opening(s) in the non-lactating mare.Deselect Answer 2, 1 1, 2 1, 3 1, 5 117. Impression of heart is seen in the liver ofDeselect Answer Ox Fowl Horse Pig 118. Elbow is aDeselect Answer Condyloid joint Arthrodial joint Ellipsoidal joint Ginglymus joint 119. Oral breathing is not possible inDeselect Answer Equidae Suidae Ruminants Canines 120. A sheet of pearly white fibrous tissue that takes the place of a tendon in flat muscles having a wide area of attachment is known asDeselect Answer Tendon Aponeurosis Ligament None of the above Please fill in the comment box below.
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