Mock Test on VAS/VO/VS Exam 1.0 03/10/2020 by Dr. Amandeep Singh 13 Comments Welcome to your Mock Test on VAS/VO/VS Exam 1.0 Name Email State/UT 1. The third degree burn is categorized when it involvesDeselect Answer Dermis Epidermis Fascia Muscles 2. Misplaced embryonic tissue with hair isDeselect Answer Ranula Utachal cyst Dermoid cyst Dentigerous cyst 3. The normal exposure capacity of portable x-ray machine isDeselect Answer 50mA 70mA 40mA 35mA 4. Which among the following drugs is used as cardiac stimulant?Deselect Answer Lignocaine Dopamine Naloxane Doxapram 5. Which antibiotic will cross the blood-brain barrier without any inflammation?Deselect Answer Sulphonamides Chloramphenicol Tetracyclines Cephalosporins 6. Antiseptic that is active in organic matter isDeselect Answer Tincture iodine Acriflavin KMnO4 Providine iodine 7. Which one of the following is used for the management of cerebral edema in dogs?Deselect Answer Spironolactone Saline Ringers lactate Mannitol 8. The agents used for sterilization of inanimate objects are calledDeselect Answer Sterilization Antiseptic Disinfectant Asepsis 9. Anaesthetic agent having second gas effect isDeselect Answer Nitrous oxide Isoflurane Halothane Both A & B 10. Diffuse, suppurative spreading inflammation of loose connective tissue is called asDeselect Answer Cellulitis Phlegmon Empyema Both A & B 11. Maternal recognition of pregnancy is responsible forDeselect Answer Fetal growth Implantation Maternal circulation Parturition 12. Transuterine migration of embryo is absent inDeselect Answer Bitch Cattle Sow Both A and B 13. Among the following animals, pheromones are secreted in saliva foam inDeselect Answer Stallion Bull Boar Ram 14. Case fatality rate is an indicator ofDeselect Answer Infectivity Pathogenicity Duration of disease Virulence 15. Outbreak of disease in avian population is known asDeselect Answer Epizootic Pandemic Epidemic Epornitic 16. The weight of the ovaries at the time of birth in mare is aboutDeselect Answer 120-220 gm 40-70 gm 20-30 gm 10-20 gm 17. “Fremitus” or “Thrill” or “Whirr” is first recognized at about ______________ days of pregnancy in cowsDeselect Answer 30 to 35 days 45 days 80 to 120 days None 18. Granulosa cell tumor is most common in cattle that cause occasional symptoms ofDeselect Answer Nymphomania Anestrum Both A and B None of the above 19. In brucellosis abortion of pregnant cows occurs in which of the following trimesterDeselect Answer 1st trimester 2nd trimester 3rd trimester All the trimesters 20. During folliculogenesis, for the initial recruitment of the follicles which of the following hormonal conditions is requiredDeselect Answer Low FSH and High LH High FSH and Low LH Low FSH and high inhibin High FSH and Low LH 21. In comparison to eCG and hCG, the hormones FSH and LH have ______________ biologic halves lifeDeselect Answer Shorter Longer Equal Not known 22. Which one of the following having the anti-estrogenic effect?Deselect Answer MAP MGA MRL4 CAP 23. Incomplete dilatation of the cervix of the ewe and doe is descriptively known asDeselect Answer Vaginal cystocele Torsion Ring womb Bandl’s ring 24. Which of the following enzymes involved during the process of ovulation in cows?Deselect Answer Lipase Collagenase Hyaluronidase Esterase 25. The number of FADH2 produced in TCA cycle is/areDeselect Answer 4 1 3 2 26. Among domestic animals, hyperinsulinism is most commonly reported inDeselect Answer Horses Cats Pigs Dogs 27. The clearance test which is used for the measuring Glomerular Filtration Rate requiresDeselect Answer Insulin Urea Diodrast Pah 28. Which among the following is the confirmation test for Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD)?Deselect Answer Complement Fixation Test (CFT) Sandwich ELISA Radioimmuno Assay (RIA) All of these 29. Epizootic lymphangitis in horse is also known asDeselect Answer African farcy Equine Farcy Cutaneous Farcy All of the above 30. Terry towelling effect is related to which fungal speciesDeselect Answer Candida Dermatophytes Cryptococcus neoformans Aspergillus 31. Allergic inflammation is characterized by increase in number ofDeselect Answer Lymphocytes Monocytes Neutrophil Eosinophil 32. Biphasic Van-den-berg reaction occurs inDeselect Answer Toxic jaundice Haemolytic jaundice Obstructive jaundice All of the above 33. Progressive development of interstitial pneumonia in older sheep in which lungs have dense and rubbery consistency is seen inDeselect Answer Maedi Visna Both A & B CCPP 34. Pseudo lumpy skin disease is caused byDeselect Answer Bovine herpes virus-1 Bovine herpes virus-2 Ovine herpes virus-2 Bovine herpes virus -5 35. Pseudorabies disease is also termed asDeselect Answer Mad itch disease Infectious bulbular paralysis Aujeszky's disease All of the above 36. Contagious ecthyma disease is also known asDeselect Answer Contagious pustular dermatitis Orf Scaby mouth All of the above 37. Bacterial chromosome isDeselect Answer Single stranded and circular Double stranded and circular Single stranded and linear Double stranded and linear 38. The characteristic "elementary bodies" in fowl pox areDeselect Answer Bollinger bodies Borrel bodies Both of the above None of the above 39. Currently Influenza A virus has ________________ antigenDeselect Answer 18HA & 11NA 16HA & 11NA 16HA & 9NA None of the above 40. What is the most common laboratory culture media for fungal growth?Deselect Answer Thayer Martin medium Cornmeal agar Nutrient agar Sabouraud dextrose agar 41. Athletic posture in birds is characteristically observed in?Deselect Answer Mareks Disease New Castle Disease Avian Leukosis All of the above 42. SMEDI syndrome is caused byDeselect Answer Porcine Parvovirus Canine Parvovirus Feline Parvovirus Bovine Parvovirus 43. Which of the following major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is linked with complement system?Deselect Answer MHC class I MHC class II MHC class III All 44. Punched out ulceration of mucosa is the characteristics of which diseaseDeselect Answer Babesiosis Theileriosis Anaplasmosis Aspergillosis 45. The drug of choice in acute anaphylactic shock isDeselect Answer Dexamethasone Epinephrine Atropine Furosemide 46. General anaesthesia of equine is performed now a days by usingDeselect Answer Chloral hydrate Xylazine Xylazine + Ketamine Chlormag 47. Which type of necrosis occurs in infarction?Deselect Answer Coagulative necrosis Caseative necrosis Liquefactive necrosis Fat necrosis 48. The drug of choice for coccidiosis in poultry isDeselect Answer Sulphaguanidine Sulphaquinoxaline Phthalyl sulpha thiazole Sulphamethyl phenazole 49. The diuretic that cannot be given along with aminoglycoside antibiotics due to the risk of nephrotoxicity isDeselect Answer Furosemide Mannitol Acetazolamide Spiranolactone 50. ________________ refers to the variety and variability among the living organism and ecological complexes in which they occurDeselect Answer Ecosystem Niche Biodiversity Environment 51. Hardness of water due toDeselect Answer Presence of Ca and Na salt Ca and Mg salt Na and K salt Mg and Na salt 52. In India, Biological Diversity Act was enacted inDeselect Answer 1991 1996 2002 2005 53. The predominant green house gases areDeselect Answer Carbon dioxide and water vapour Nitrous oxide Chlorofluorocarbon All of the above 54. Model virus for tumor research work isDeselect Answer Rous sarcoma virus Polyoma virus Shope papilloma virus Reovirus 55. The bacterium which has the capability to grow in the refrigerated foods and exhibit characteristic ‘tumbling motility’ at 250C isDeselect Answer Yersinia enterocolitica Campylobacter jejuni Pseudomonas aeruginosa Listeria monocytogenes 56. Chief glucogenic VFA in ruminants isDeselect Answer Acetic acid Butyric acid Propionic acid Valeric acid 57. Physiological effect of stress hormone secretion will be?Deselect Answer Stimulates tissue growth Decreases lipolysis by adipose tissue Increases gluconeogenesis in the liver and kidney Mast cells to release histamine 58. Osmoreceptors are present inDeselect Answer Kidney Pons Medulla Hypothalamus 59. Rigor mortis is an example of ________, which results from a depletion of ______ and a failure of cross‐bridge heads to ______ from actin.Deselect Answer Contraction; Ca2+; attach Relaxation; ATP; detach Contraction; ATP; detach Relaxation; Ca2+; attach 60. Casing prepared from small intestine of sheep are calledDeselect Answer Weasand Middles Bungs Rounds 61. The quality standards for foods all over the world are monitored as perDeselect Answer ISO APEDA OIE FAO 62. Black discoloration of milk is due toDeselect Answer Serratia marcescenes Pseudomonas fragi Pseudomonas cynogens Pseudomonas nigrifaciens 63. Read following statements and Choose correct option.i) In Milk preservation, LP system is bactericidal to Gram negative organisms.ii) In Milk preservation, LP system is bacteriostatic to Gram positive organisms.Deselect Answer Only i) is correct Only ii) is correct Both i) and ii) are correct Both i) and ii) are wrong 64. In calf above 3 months, magnesium is absorbed from theDeselect Answer Middle third of small intestine Upper third of large intestine Rumen Abomasum 65. ISO 22000 is related withDeselect Answer Environment Management System Food Safety Management System Quality Management System None of these 66. Parasitic aneurysm is seen in horse due to infection ofDeselect Answer Ascarid worm Strongylus vulgaris Cysticercosis spp. Paragonimus spp. 67. Milk spot is characteristic ofDeselect Answer Trypanosoma brucei Ascaris suum Leishmania donovani Spirocera lupi 68. East coast fever or January disease is caused byDeselect Answer Theileria parva Theileria mutans Theileria annulata Theileria lawrensi 69. The cooperative society is an example ofDeselect Answer Formal group Informal group Primary group Territory group 70. The Etawah Pilot Project was started inDeselect Answer 1948 1947 1950 1953 71. The first Extension Education Institute of India was established atDeselect Answer Anand Hyderabad Ludhiana Nilokheri 72. The study based on complete enumeration of data is known asDeselect Answer Census survey Pilot study Sample Survey All of the above 73. MOOC stands forDeselect Answer Multiple Open Online Course Massive Online Open Course Multiple Online Open Course Massive Open Online Course 74. As per BIS recommendation level of urea feeding in total dry matter intake of dairy cattle should not exceedDeselect Answer 1.0% 3.0% 2.0% 10% 75. Most of the concentrates containsDeselect Answer Less than 18% crude fibre & >60% TDN More than 60% TDN & >18% crude fibre Medium in DCP and TDN Less than 18% crude fibre & > 60% TDN 76. Crude protein required in creep feed of pig (% by mass) isDeselect Answer 16 20 23 18 77. 'Perosis' condition in growing chicks is observed due to deficiencyDeselect Answer Magnesium Manganese Cobalt None of these 78. Whole grain feeding system in poultry is also known asDeselect Answer Cafeteria Ad libitum Free choice feeding system All of the above 79. Avivastra is a cross of sheep breedsDeselect Answer Chokla/Nali x Rambuillet/Merino Malpura x Rambuillet Malpura x Dorset Sonadi x Suffolk 80. As per BIS, the number of cows (400 kg), sheep (70kg) and pig (100kg) per 10m2 space for transportation areDeselect Answer 8, 25 & 20 15, 40 & 50 5, 10 & 15 10, 15 & 30 81. As per 20th Census of Livestock, the goat population of India has increased byDeselect Answer 5.5% 10.1% 7.5% 2.4% 82. Zebu cattle breeds having dished profile forehead and lyre horn areDeselect Answer Kankrej & Kherigarh Kenkatha Malvi and Tharparkar All of the above 83. Barbering is noticed inDeselect Answer Rabbit Rat Mice Guinea pig 84. How many pure lines are selected for producing a commercial layer?Deselect Answer 1 3 or 4 2 5 85. Physiological zero temperature below which which embryo growth is arrested in eggs ______ ⁰FDeselect Answer 65 75 85 95 86. Severe bluish green discoloration of yolk is due to feeding ofDeselect Answer Alfalfa meal Soya meal Cotton seed meal None of the above 87. Which of the following is common to Salseed, Sorghum and Jowar?Deselect Answer Glucosinolate Tannin Mucilage Mimosine 88. Specific gravity of an egg isDeselect Answer 1.01 1.02 to 1.4 1.2 to 1.5 1.07 to 1.09 89. A sample is randomly drawn from the populationDeselect Answer To reduce the study to a manageable size To ensure the size of full range of possibilities is included To obtain normal animals To obtain a representative group 90. If genotypic frequency of dominant homozygote is P= 0.05 and genotypic frequency recessive homozygote is Q=0.65 then find out the gene frequencies p & qDeselect Answer p=0.80 & q= 0.20 p=0.30 & q= 0.50 p=0.40 & q= 0.60 p=0.20 & q= 0.80 91. Crossing over takes place in betweenDeselect Answer Homologous chromosome Non-homologous chromosome Sister chromatid of homologous chromosome Non-sister chromatid of homologous chromosome 92. Which of the following is a part of National Cattle Breeding Policy in India?Deselect Answer Grading up Crossbreeding Selective breeding All the above 93. If a variable under study is transformed to another variable by changing origin and scale, the correlation coefficient is not affected by change ofDeselect Answer Origin only Scale only Both origin & scale None of the above 94. Which is NOT a correct matchDeselect Answer Peak yield: Within 90 days Toe cutting: Birds identification Surti: Black band in neck Charles Darwin: Pangenesis theory 95. Coffee colour urine in cattle is important finding in which of the following disease?Deselect Answer Trypanosomosis Theileriosis Toxoplasmosis Babesiosis 96. Which is NOT a correct matchDeselect Answer Sodium ascorbate: 0.2-1%: Oxidizing agent, stability Monosodium glutamate: 500 ppm: Flavor enhancer Poly Phosphates: 2-4%: Reduce cooking losses Sodium chloride: 15-30%: Preservatives 97. Which is NOT a correct match?Deselect Answer Counter current Multiplier: Loop of Henle Prolactin: Mammogenic hormone Salivary centre: Medulla Oblongata Testicular atrophy: Hypovitaminosis E 98. The most widely used drug for the treatment as well as prophylaxis of Surra isDeselect Answer Buparvaquone Oxytetracycline Antrycide prosalt Diminazene Please fill in the comment box below.
Syam sugunan says
Syam sugunan says
Quality questions. Nice attempt
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Give some guidelines for exam preparation
very good paper setting.
Sonia says
Nice questionnaire
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Ananthakumar says
Nice collection of useful questions
Ansar Ahmed Bhat says
Best quesrionare sir thank you
Dr. Amandeep Singh says
Thank you Dr. Saab!!
Aswathy says
Aswathy says