Mock Test on VAS/VO/VS Exam 2.0 10/10/2020 by Dr. Amandeep Singh 5 Comments Welcome to your Mock Test on VAS/VO/VS Exam 2.0 Name Email State/UT 1. In normal Bull semen the percentage of abnormal forms should not exceedDeselect Answer 2-5% 5-10% 10-15% 15-20% 2. In ruminant rations, molasses is restricted to the level __________ of the rationDeselect Answer 2-5% 5-10% 10-15% 15-20% 3. The anemia associated with “falling disease” is of ___________________Deselect Answer Microcytic normochromic type Microcytic hypochromic type Macrocytic normochromic type Macrocytic hypochromic type 4. The normal concentration of ketones in the blood of ruminants is between ________ mg%Deselect Answer 2 and 5 5 and 10 10 and 15 15 and 20 5. Largest single organ of the body of fowl isDeselect Answer Crop Proventriculus Gizzard Liver 6. “Swai chal” gait is particular toDeselect Answer Kangayam Kankrej Hallikar Hariana 7. Major source of energy supplied to the foetus in utero isDeselect Answer Glucose Galactose Lactose Fructose 8. Gossypol toxicity can be prevented by addition ofDeselect Answer Copper sulphate Ferrous sulphate Ammonium sulphate Sodium sulphate 9. Megaloblast anemia is typical of deficiency ofDeselect Answer Vitamin B12 Folic acid Both A and B Vitamin B6 10. Shape of head of spermatozoa in fowl isDeselect Answer Ovoid Hook Elongated cylindrical Circular 11. Main source of fructose in semen in higher mammals isDeselect Answer Prostate gland Seminal vesicles Bulbourethral gland Epididymis 12. Which of the following is not an anabolic hormone?Deselect Answer Somatotropin Thyroxine Estrogen Androgen 13. The pasteurized milk should have a SPC/ml(or g) not exceedingDeselect Answer 30,000 2,00,000 1,000,000 5,000,000 14. It is estimated that ________ ml of blood must pass through these cells for producing one ml of milkDeselect Answer 200-300 300-400 400-500 500-600 15. Transverse Ventral Presentation is most commonly observed inDeselect Answer Cow Ewe Mare Buffalo 16. Potato soup color pus is seen in abortion due toDeselect Answer Trichomonas vaginalis Trichomonas foetus Brucella abortus Vibrio fetus 17. Recommended C:P ratio for the diet of grower chicken (8-20 weeks) isDeselect Answer 130:1 135:1 140:1 155:1 18. Predominant VFA produced in the rumen by fermentation of forage diets isDeselect Answer Propionate Acetate Butyrate Both A and B 19. Punched out ulcer in abomasum of cattle is pathognomonic ofDeselect Answer Babesiosis Theileriosis Trypanosomiosis Anaplasmosis 20. Dark field microscopy is used for examination ofDeselect Answer Cocci bacteria Bacilli bacteria Spirochaetes Viruses 21. Preservative used for ruminal fluid isDeselect Answer Ca(OH)2 NaCl CaSo4 HgCl2 22. Most important killer disease of goat isDeselect Answer Botulism Braxy Black disease Enterotoxaemia 23. Contagious mastitis is caused byDeselect Answer Staphylococcus aureus Streptopcoccus agalactia E.coli Both A and B 24. Heterosexual behaviour or standing to be mounted by a male is the most reliable sign of estrous in theDeselect Answer Cow Buffalo Sheep Goat 25. The major precursor of methane in rumen isDeselect Answer Acetic acid Butyric acid Formic acid Propionic acid 26. Identify the mineral that is an integral part of the enzyme carbonic anhydraseDeselect Answer Copper Cobalt Zinc Iron 27. In context of hormonal regulation in muscle identify correct statement with respect to epineprineDeselect Answer Promotes glycogenesis and inhibits glycogenolysis Promotes glycogenolysis and inhibits glycogenesis Promotes both glycogenolysis and glycogenesis Inhibits both glycogenesis and glycogenolysis 28. Iron is absorbed almost entirely inDeselect Answer Duodenum Jejenum Ileum Liver 29. Expulsion of foetus occurs in which stage of parturtionDeselect Answer 1st stage 2nd stage 3rd stage 4th stage 30. Major sites for storage of glycogen isDeselect Answer Muscle Liver Kidney Both A and B 31. Negri bodies is pathognomonic ofDeselect Answer Fowl pox Rabies African Horse sickness Equine infectious anemia 32. Histomonas meleagridis is transmitted through eggs ofDeselect Answer Ascardia galli Heterakis gallinarum Railletina species Choantaenia infundibulum 33. Macfadyean reactions is used to diagnose anthrax bacilli bearingDeselect Answer Flagella Capsule Spore Cut ends 34. First limiting amino acid in soyabean isDeselect Answer Leucine Lysine Methionine Tryptophan 35. For selection of eggs for hatching the approximate weight of eggs should beDeselect Answer 54gm 56gm 58gm 60gm 36. The time of ovulation of goat isDeselect Answer At onset of estrus Mid cycle of estrus Towards the end of estrus After the end of estrus 37. Crazy chick disease is due toDeselect Answer Vitamin B12 Vitamin E Vitamin B1 Vitamin D 38. Lowland or marshland abortion is due toDeselect Answer Chronic arsenic poisoning Ergot poisoning Nitrate poisoning HCN poisoning 39. In ruminants glucose cannot be converted to fat as it lacksDeselect Answer ATP citrate lyase Malate dehydrogenase Isocitrate dehydrogenase Both A and B 40. There is no practical method for exact determination of which of the portion of feedstuffsDeselect Answer Crude protein Ether extract Nitrogen Free Extract Crude fiber 41. A three dimensional recognizable imitation of an object isDeselect Answer Illustration Model Mock up Specimen 42. DARE was established inDeselect Answer 1973 1983 1988 1989 43. The difference between what is and what ought to be is known asDeselect Answer Aim Need Goal Objective 44. The normal group boundaries get obliterated inDeselect Answer Method demonstration Farm and home visit Office calls Campaign 45. Geographical demarcation is a character ofDeselect Answer Society Community Group None of the above 46. Vitamin H is also referred asDeselect Answer Pyridoxine Nicotinic acid Biotin Pantothenic acid 47. Hydrochloric acid is liberated byDeselect Answer Mucous cells Chief cells Parietal cells Alpha cells 48. Sigmoid flexure is absent inDeselect Answer Boar Bull Stallion Ram 49. For pigs and poultry, fish meal in ration is added aboutDeselect Answer 5% 7% 10% 15% 50. Coat colour is copper in which breed of buffaloDeselect Answer Surti Mehsana Nili Ravi Bhadawari 51. Typical layer ration should contain the ___________ proteinDeselect Answer 16-17% 18-20% 20-22% 22-24% 52. One whole egg on an average contains _______ mg of cholesterolDeselect Answer 150 200 250 300 53. Cereal grains do not contain ______________Deselect Answer Vitamin B Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin E 54. Normal rate of respiration in adult horse isDeselect Answer 8-12 per minute 10-16 per minute 12-16 per minute 12-20 per minute 55. Oxytocin is secreted fromDeselect Answer Anterior pituitary Posterior pituitary Thyroid Parathyroid 56. The pH of pancreatic juice isDeselect Answer 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 57. The COIK fallacy is associated withDeselect Answer Communication channles Audio visual aids Communicator Receiver 58. Which of following drug exhibits its pharmacological action without any interaction with the macromolecular target of the tissue?Deselect Answer Magnesium sulphate Adrenaline Atropine Furosemide 59. The ultimate toxicant of chloroform causing hepatic injuryDeselect Answer Phosphine Phosgene Oxalic acid Fluorides 60. Which of the following drugs used in treating OP poisoning does not cross the blood brain barrier?Deselect Answer Pralidoxime Obidoxime Diacetyl-monoxime All 61. The COX enzyme that is recently believed to be the site of action for paracetamolDeselect Answer COX 1 COX 2 COX 3 None 62. Use of ACE inhibitors increases the levels ofDeselect Answer Histamine Bradykinin Serotonin Prostaglandin 63. The host harbouring the adult sexually mature parasite is calledDeselect Answer Intermediate host Paratenic host Definitive host Transport host 64. Sheep scab is caused byDeselect Answer Sarcoptes Psoroptes Notoedres Chorioptes 65. Second intermediate host of Dicrocoelium dendriticum isDeselect Answer Ant Grasshopper Beetles Naiads 66. Fistulous wither in horse is associated with which of the following parasite?Deselect Answer Onchocerca Habronema Stephanofilaria Parafilaria 67. Lymph node biopsy smear is used for the diagnosis ofDeselect Answer Toxoplasma Theileria Trypanosoma Babesia 68. Wizened monkey shape appearance of protozoa in faeces is suggestive ofDeselect Answer Giardiasis Cryptosporidiosis Amoebiasis Toxoplasmosis 69. In the structures of corpora amylacae, the type of degeneration seen isDeselect Answer Fatty changes Hydropic degeneration Hyaline degeneration Cloudy swelling 70. Progressive development of interstitial pneumonia in older sheep, in which lungs have dense and rubbery consistency is seen inDeselect Answer Maedi Visna Both A & B CCPP 71. Pneumoencephalitis is a feature ofDeselect Answer Rabies Spongiform encephalitis Ranikhet disease Tetanus 72. Cystotomy with spillage of infected urine into abdomen comes underDeselect Answer Contaminated wound Dirty wound Clean contaminated wound None of the above 73. Tibial compression test is used to diagnoseDeselect Answer Cruciate ligament rupture Tibial tuberosity avulsion Patellar luxation Valgus deformity 74. Hobday surgery is performed forDeselect Answer Guttural pouch empyema Dorsal displacement of softpalate Recurrent laryngeal neuropathy Gastric dilatation 75. White corneal scar is known asDeselect Answer Leukoma Hyphema Hypophyon Glaucoma 76. Breed of cattle producing highest milk and lowest fat %(worldwide) isDeselect Answer Jersey Brown swiss Holstein Friesian Sahiwal 77. Most Prolific Goat and sheep breeds are respectivelyDeselect Answer Jamunapari, Marwari Beetal, Gaddi Barbari, Nilgiri Black Bengal , Garole 78. Temperature during last 3 days of incubation in egg incubators should beDeselect Answer 37.6˚c 37.2˚c 38.6˚c 38.2˚c 79. Read the following statement Statement A) Early moulters are poor layers. Statement B) Late moulters are good layers.Deselect Answer Both statements are true Both statements are false Statement A is true, Statement B is false Statement A is false , Statement B is true. 80. Which vitamin is not synthesized in poultry birds?Deselect Answer Vitamin A Vitamin K Vitamin C None of the above. 81. The carcass of visceral organs like heart, lung, trachea is known asDeselect Answer Giblet Paunch Pluck Bun 82. Kefir and kumiss areDeselect Answer Lactic acid- Phenol fermented milk Lactic acid- Alcohol fermented milk Acetic acid- Alcohol fermented milk Lactic acid- acetic acid fermented milk 83. National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) was set up in yearDeselect Answer 1970 1966 1965 1967 84. Kidney fat and Peri-renal fat is also known asDeselect Answer Caul fat Leaf fat Seam fat Cutting fat 85. Casein content of cow milk and buffalo milk respectively isDeselect Answer 3% and 4.3% 4.3% and 3% 3% and 4% 3% and 6% 86. Depth of litter material in deep litter system should beDeselect Answer 0-3 inches 3-6 inches 12-18 inches 8-12 inches 87. Famous Indian poultry breed having its origin from Jhabua, Madhya Pradesh isDeselect Answer Brahma Aseel Cochin Kadaknath 88. Egg yolk with blood spot is indicative ofDeselect Answer Haemorrhage in magnum Haemorrhage in uterus Haemorrhage in ovary and infundibulum None of the above. 89. Shortest generation interval among meat producing livestock is seen inDeselect Answer Cattle Poultry Sheep Pig 90. Inbreeding coefficient of progenies produced by selfing, parent – offspring mating, full sibs mating and half sib mating during first generation are respectivelyDeselect Answer 0.5, 0.25, 0.25, 0.125 0.5,0.50,0.25,0.125 0.5, 0.50, 0.50, 0.125 0.5,0.25,0.50,0.125 91. Which among the following is most recently registered cattle breed from Maharashtra?Deselect Answer Deoni Khillari Konkan Kapila Gaulao 92. How many registered goat breeds are there in India as of August 2020 according to NBAGR, Karnal?Deselect Answer 30 32 34 36 93. Milk yield and fat% in dairy animals has _______ relationDeselect Answer Positive correlation Negative correlation No correlation None of the above. 94. Broodiness in poultry and cryptorchidism in horses are example ofDeselect Answer Sex-linked inheritance Sex-influenced inheritance Sex-Limited inheritance None of the above 95. Match the columns: Estimation Factor used 1) Protein estimation of milk a) 1.25 2) Protein estimation of feedstuff b) 2.25 3) Energy estimation (TDN) of fat c) 6.25 4) Gross energy of protein d) 5.30 5) Protein estimation of cotton seed e) 6.38Deselect Answer 1-e,2-c,3-b,4-a,5-d 1-b,2-c,3-b,4-a,5-d 1-d, 2-a,3-e,4-c,5-b 1-c,2-e,3-a,4-b,5-d 96. The brown colour of hay is due toDeselect Answer Maillard type reaction Butyrate reaction Lactic acid reaction None of the above 97. The concentration of ammonia and total VFA in rumen in highest inDeselect Answer Sheep Cattle Goat Buffalo Please fill in the comment box below.
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