Mock Test on VAS/VO/VS Exam 3.0 18/10/2020 by Dr. Amandeep Singh 4 Comments Welcome to your Mock Test on VAS/VO/VS Exam 3.0 Name Email State/UT 1. Which of the following class of diuretics usually have a self-limiting action?Deselect Answer Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors Loop diuretics Osmotic diuretics None 2. A growth hormone receptor antagonist indicated for the treatment of acromegaly isDeselect Answer Pegvisomant Bromocriptine Cabergoline Somatomedin 3. Reservoir host for African horse sicknessDeselect Answer Donkey Zebra Burro Horses 4. A drug that acts as a competitive antagonist at benzodiazepine receptor isDeselect Answer Lorazepam Midazolam Flumazenil Fipronil 5. A thrombin inhibitor among the following isDeselect Answer Menadione Warfarin Aspirin Heparin 6. The effect of a competitive antagonist on dose response curve of a drug isDeselect Answer Shift to left Shift to right Downward shift Upward shift 7. The ratio of LD50 to ED50 is calledDeselect Answer Therapeutic ratio Margin of safety Therapeutic index Certain safety factor 8. Vallee’s vaccine is used for the control ofDeselect Answer Listeriosis Tuberculosis Johnes disease Blue tongue 9. Mannitol is contraindicated inDeselect Answer Cerebral oedema Cerebral haemorrhage Glaucoma All of the above 10. The toxic condition in which blood will be dark chocolate in colourDeselect Answer Cyanide poisoning Chlorate poisoning Carbon monoxide poisoning Lead poisoning 11. The complement fixation reaction was discovered byDeselect Answer Jules Bordet August von Wasserman Paul Ehrlich None of the above 12. The causative agent of barbone diseaseDeselect Answer Actinomyces bovis Pasteurella multocida Actinobacillus ligneresi Listeria monocytogenes 13. Birbeck granules are tennis-racket shaped cytoplasmic organelles solely found inDeselect Answer Mast cells Langerhans cells B-cells T-cells 14. _________is hereditary sperm abnormalityDeselect Answer Diadem effectr Microcephalic head Pyriform head Highly coiled tail 15. The hinge region of a typical antibody is susceptible to proteolytic cleavage by the enzymeDeselect Answer Papain Pepsin Both A and B None of the above 16. Reduced concentration of spermatozoa is known asDeselect Answer Asthenozoospermia Teratozoospermia Azoospermia Oligozoospermia 17. ________________ is a form of cell signaling in which a cell secretes hormones that binds to receptors on the same cellDeselect Answer Endocrine Paracrine Autocrine None of the above 18. In hybridoma technology, hybrid cells are selected inDeselect Answer MS medium HAT medium X-gal medium Whites medium 19. In collection of semen with A.V. temperature is important inDeselect Answer Stallion Boar Bull Dog 20. Which among the following is an attribute of cytokines?Deselect Answer Pleiotropy Redundancy Cascade induction All of the above 21. ____________ enzyme secreted by acrosome helps in penetrations of spermatozoa into the ovumDeselect Answer Protease Peptidase Lipase Hyaluronidase 22. Which of the following is a food infection?Deselect Answer Salmonellois Botulism Staphylococcal intoxication None of the above 23. TLR specific for recognition of lipopolysaccharide(LPS) of gram negative bacteria isDeselect Answer TLR2 TLR4 TLR3 TLR9 24. Which of the following toxin causing botulism is less toxic to human beings?Deselect Answer Type A Type B Type C None of the above 25. A bacterial food intoxication refers toDeselect Answer Illness caused by presence of pathogens Food borne illness caused by the presence of a bacterial toxin formed in food Both A and B None of the above 26. Immature B cells in the bone marrow express only ____________ membrane receptorsDeselect Answer IgM IgD IgA IgG 27. Staphylococcal intoxication is caused by the toxin in the food fromDeselect Answer Staphylococcus aureus Staphylococcus cerevisiae Staphylococcus thermophillus None of the above 28. Indian state where Kyasunur Forest Disease was first reported isDeselect Answer Maharashtra Karnataka Tamil Nadu Kerala 29. Common source of vibrio poisoning isDeselect Answer Sea food Roasted food Microwaved food Raw food 30. The highest number of abbatoir in india present inDeselect Answer Maharashtra Tamilnadu West Bengal Uttar Pradesh 31. The infections which are transmissible to the man from lower vertebrates animals areDeselect Answer Anthropozoonosis Amohizoonosis Zooanthropozoonosis None of the above 32. The biological agent should have which of the following characteristics?Deselect Answer Pathogenisity Infectivity Virulence All of the above 33. Cercaria pigmentata is associated with the life cycle ofDeselect Answer Blood flukes Liver flukes Stomach flukes Hook worms 34. Barrel shaped egg with plugs at both ends is found inDeselect Answer Oxyuris spp Fasciola spp Schistosoma spp Trichuris spp 35. Metazoonosis is subtype 1 requiredDeselect Answer One vertebrate and one invertebrate host Two vertebrate and one invertebrate host One vertebrate and two invertebrate host Two vertebrate and two invertebrate host 36. Which of the following parasite causes tumour in dogs?Deselect Answer Spirocerca lupi Oesophagostomum venulosum Gongylonema pulchrum Troponema vulpis 37. Sulcus vasculosus is for the passage ofDeselect Answer Middle sacral artery Middle coccygeal artery Lateral coccygeal artery Femoral artery 38. Etiology of strawberry foot rot in sheep isDeselect Answer Staphylococcus aureus Fusobacterium necrophorum Dichelobacter nodosus Dermatophilus congolensis 39. Uncinate process is present in the ribs ofDeselect Answer Horse Dog Fowl Ox 40. Which one of the following statement is correct?Deselect Answer Origin of a muscle is fixed and insertion is movable Insertion of a muscle is fixed and origin is movable Both are fixed attachments Origin is movable and insertion is fixed 41. Which of the following is killed vaccine against Brucella melitensis infectionDeselect Answer Elberg’s Rev I Strain 19 53H38 RB 51 42. Impression of heart is seen in the liver ofDeselect Answer Ox Fowl Horse Pig 43. The optimum age for vaccination against bovine brucellosis isDeselect Answer 2-4 months 10-12 months 4-8 months 12-15 months 44. Point of croup is formed byDeselect Answer Tubercoxae alone Tuber ischii and Trochanter major Tuber sacrale and median sacral crest Tuber ischii alone 45. Cutaneous form of glanders in equines is known asDeselect Answer Farcy Equine distemper Pigeon Fever Ulcerative lymphangitis 46. The Leagan’s model of communication containsDeselect Answer 4 elements 5 elements 6 elements 9 elements 47. The ABC of journalism is related toDeselect Answer Accuracy, Brevity, Credibility Accuracy, Brevity, Clarity Accountable, Brief, Clear. Active, Brief, Clear 48. The body responsible for rural development at base levelDeselect Answer Panchayat Block District State 49. Bhoodan movement was started atDeselect Answer Shantiniketan Pohampalli Warda Pavnar 50. The symbolic trait of an economic institution isDeselect Answer Emblem Will Flag Charter 51. Food for work programme was started inDeselect Answer 1977 1980 1981 1982 52. Which of the following is most important in inhibiting the digestibility of paddy straw?Deselect Answer Lignin Silica Hemicellulose Oxalate 53. Concentration of Ammonia and Total VFA in rumen is highest for?Deselect Answer Goat Buffalo Sheep Cattle 54. Urea supplement is not recommended if CP content of ruminant diet is aboveDeselect Answer 18% 25% 7% 13% 55. Pathognomic lesion of fowl typhoid isDeselect Answer Sciatic nerve become enlarge Swollen wattles and combs Haemorrhage in trachea Liver show greenish bronze appearance 56. Animal showing external evidence of pro-oestrus with vulval oedema, hyperemia & sanguinous vulval discharge isDeselect Answer Cattle Bitch Doe Ewe and Mare 57. Mammary gland duct system growth is under the influence ofDeselect Answer Estrogen Progesterone Prolactin Prostaglandins 58. Gangrenous dermatitis also occurs due to nutritional deficiency ofDeselect Answer Vit E Selenium Both A & B None of the above 59. Germ Plasm theory was postulated byDeselect Answer Lamark Weisman Kolliker Hertwig 60. The ability of a given gene or gene combination to be expressed phenotypically to any degreeDeselect Answer Penetrance Expressivity Pleiotropism Prepotency 61. If the X/A ratio is 0.5, the individual will beDeselect Answer Intersex Normal female Super female Normal male 62. Blood is cherry red in colour in poultry in carbon monooxide poisoning due toDeselect Answer Formation of carbon dioxide Formation of formic acid Formation of carbon nitrite Formation of carboxyhaemoglobin 63. Total number of barr bodies in an individual with Turner‘s syndromeDeselect Answer 0 1 2 None of the above 64. Infectious Necrotic Hepatitis in sheep is caused byDeselect Answer Leptospira sp. Fasciola hepatica Clostridium sp. Heterakis gallinarum 65. In translocation, the exchange of chromosomal segments occursDeselect Answer With in the same chromosome Between homologous chromosomes Between non homologous chromosomes Both A and C 66. Tigroid heart is seen in cattle affected withDeselect Answer Bovine malignant catarrhal Botulism Bovine viral diarrhea Foot and mouth disease 67. If a woman heterozygous for colour blindness marries a colour blind man, what is the probability that their first child will be colour blind daughter?Deselect Answer 50% 25 % 75% 100% 68. Source of energy in nucleus isDeselect Answer Glycolysis only TCA cycle only Both A and B None of the above 69. Which of the following buffalo breed is under endangered category?Deselect Answer Bhadawari Jafarabadi Banni Jerangi 70. Hissardale is the cross ofDeselect Answer Merino ewe x Bikaneri ram Lincoln ram x Rambouillet ewe Merino ram x Bikaneri ewe Lincoln ewe x Rambouillet ram 71. In the second generation, hybrid vigor will beDeselect Answer Same as the first Doubled the first Half of the first None of the above 72. Crossing of two inbred lines of the same breed isDeselect Answer Incrossing Incross breeding Top incrossing Top incross breeding 73. The best treatment of long bone fracture isDeselect Answer POP bandages Intramedullary pinning Intramedullary nailing Bone plating 74. Efficiency of conversion of ß carotene to vitamin A is in the orderDeselect Answer Rat>Ruminants> Pig> Poultry Rat>Poultry>Pig>Ruminants Rat>Poultry>Ruminants>Pig Pig>Poultry>Ruminants>Rat 75. Suturing of lacerated nostril is performed under which nerve block?Deselect Answer Infra-orbital Retrobulbar Mandibular Supra-orbital 76. Amino acid precursor of lignin isDeselect Answer Phenylalanine Tyrosine Alanine Glycine 77. Mineral needed for acetate incorporation in cholesterol biosynthesis isDeselect Answer Calcium Copper Manganese Magnesium 78. The best anaesthetic technique for laparotomy in cattle isDeselect Answer Local infiltration Paravertebral Field block Anterior caudal epidural 79. Which of the following deficiency contribute to perosis?Deselect Answer Manganese and Choline Biotin and Folic acid Thiamine, Manganese, Choline, Biotin and Folic acid Vitamin B12, Manganese, Choline, Biotin and Folic acid 80. General anesthesia of equine is performed now a days by usingDeselect Answer Chloral hydrate Xylazine Xylazine + Ketamine Chlormag 81. The first dairy co-operative was started in the year 1913 atDeselect Answer Anand Allahabad Jaipur Pune 82. Epithelial pearls are seen inDeselect Answer Basal cell carcinoma Seminoma Cholangiocellular carcinoma Squamous cell carcinoma 83. Which type of egg producer molt early and slowly in the season?Deselect Answer Good egg producer Poor egg producer Average egg producer None of above 84. Which of the following is a tumor of adrenal medulla?Deselect Answer Dysgerminoma Arrhenoblastoma Pheochromocytoma Interstitial cell adenoma 85. Pullorum disease is also known asDeselect Answer Bacillary white diarrhea Fowl cholera Fowl pox Avian influenza 86. Major breeding season of Indian sheep isDeselect Answer June to August December to January March to April Year round 87. At which body region of the sheep, best quality wool is found?Deselect Answer Breech Shoulder Head Tail 88. The starter culture Used for the manufacture of yoghurt containsDeselect Answer Streptococcus bacillus Streptococcus thermophillus Lactobacillus bulgaricus Both B & C 89. The Index organism taken for pasteurization of milk isDeselect Answer Coxiella burnettii Mycobacterium Paratuberculosis Mycobacterium tuberculosis None of the above 90. Spiti is the horse breed found atDeselect Answer Jammu & Kashmir Himachal Pradesh Haryana Punjab 91. The fat% and SNF % in standardized milk isDeselect Answer 4.5 & 8.5 6 & 9.5 3 & 8.5 None of the above 92. Generalizaed sarcocystosis in buffalo meat leads to _________decisionDeselect Answer Partial condemnation Total condemnation Passed Passed with caution of cooking 93. The space between the incisors and the cheek teeth of rabbits and rodents is known asDeselect Answer Diastema Philtrum Dewlap Acromion 94. The following is system of cleaning of milk plant that does not require dismantling of the equipments.Deselect Answer CIP cleaning CCS Both of the above None of the above 95. One livestock unit is __________________Deselect Answer 1 adult bovine: 2 pigs: 3 calves: 5 sheep 1 adult bovine: 3 pigs: 5 calves: 10 sheep 1 adult bovine: 3 pigs: 3 calves: 5 sheep 1 adult bovine: 2 pigs: 3 calves: 6 sheep 96. High ultimate pH of meat is observed in which of the following condition?Deselect Answer PSE DFD Glazy meat Cold meat 97. The BOD of domestic sewage is 250-300 mg/litre whereas BOD of abattoir effluent is____________mg/ litre.Deselect Answer 600-1300 500-1000 1500-2000 5000-5500 98. Order of tolerance of aflatoxin isDeselect Answer Chicken>Guinea fowl>Duck Duck>Guinea fowl>Chicken Guinea fowl>Chicken>Duck Chicken>Duck>Guinea fowl 99. The colour of the pigment nitrosohemochromogen isDeselect Answer Brown Pink Red Bright red
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