Mock Test on VAS/VO/VS Exam 4.0 25/10/2020 by Dr. Amandeep Singh 4 Comments Welcome to your Mock Test on VAS/VO/VS Exam 4.0 Name Email State/UT 1. As per the BIS standards, in very good type of raw milk, the SPC/ml of milk should beDeselect Answer > 50 lakhs 2-10 lakhs < 2 lakhs 10- 50 lakhs 2. Tuberculin test is based onDeselect Answer Precipitation Agglutination Hypersensitivity None 3. _______________ is one of the outcomes of necrosis, in which there is invasion of necrotic area by saprophytic organisms leading to putrefactionDeselect Answer Calcification Cell death Gangrene Apoptosis 4. Cortisol increases blood glucose level byDeselect Answer Increasing lipolysis Increasing protein synthesis in muscles Increasing gluconeogenesis Increasing growth hormone secretion 5. The different events that follow during the estrus cycle areDeselect Answer Increased FSH, ovulation, luteinization, LH surge. Luteinization, Increased FSH, ovulation, LH surge. Increased FSH, LH surge, ovulation, luteinization. Increased FSH, ovulation, LH surge, luteinization. 6. Pulmonary surfactant is secretory product ofDeselect Answer Type-I Pneumonocytes Type-II Pneumonocytes Pulmonary Macrophages Membranous Pneumonocytes 7. The time ovulation in cow with respect to the onset of oestrus isDeselect Answer 14 hour after 24 hours before 12 hour before 48 hour after 8. If the centromere present at one end, then it is termed asDeselect Answer Metacentric Sub-metacentric Acrocentric Telocentric 9. The lateral surface face of the scapula gives attachment to ______________ muscleDeselect Answer Deltoideus Serratus ventralis Rhomboideus Subscapularis 10. The acromion process is absent inDeselect Answer Buffalo Cow Dog Donkey 11. Which of the following is the longest ligament in the animal body?Deselect Answer Broad ligament Umbilical ligament Supraspinatous ligament Caudate ligament 12. Typical sign of moist gangrene of tail isDeselect Answer Erected hairs Immobility of tail Swelling Cold to touch 13. Bronze discolouration of liver in poultry is caused byDeselect Answer Pasteurellosis IBD Virus Leptospirosis Salmonellosis 14. Glycogen content of normal bovine muscle ranges fromDeselect Answer 0.5-1.3% 0.1-1% 2 – 3.5% 1- 3% 15. If vomition is due to metabolic acidosis, then suggested fluid therapy should beDeselect Answer Ringers lactate Normal saline Dextrose saline Dextrose saline 20% 16. Which of the following diseases of poultry is not caused by virus?Deselect Answer Chronic Respiratory Disease Infectious Bronchitis Fowl Pox Ranikhet Disease 17. Virion of avian infectious bronchitis has a shape ofDeselect Answer Globules with cilia Crown like projection Oval shaped body Elliptical round body 18. Last stage of wound healing isDeselect Answer Wound contraction Epithelization Fibroplasia Vasodilatation 19. Feedback is inferential in case of communication made throughDeselect Answer Village level worker Group meeting Radio Method demonstration 20. Symbolic adoption is an example forDeselect Answer Covert behaviour Overt behaviour Affection Perception 21. The main cause of death in case of burn during latter stage isDeselect Answer Hypovolemia Blood loss Asphyxia Secondary infection 22. The stage of adoption wherein group discussion is most effectiveDeselect Answer Awareness Evaluation Testing Persuasion 23. ‘Table manners’ falls under the category ofDeselect Answer Mores Folkways Customs Values 24. Nazism is a classical example ofDeselect Answer Social stratification Social disintegration Cultural conflicts Ethnocentrism 25. Caecal coccidiosis in fowl is due to which of the following species of EimeriaDeselect Answer Eimeria precox Eimeria mutis Eimeria tenella Eimeria brunetti 26. Average dressing percentage in Goat isDeselect Answer 30-35 50-55 40-45 60-65 27. Housekeeping gene (constituent gene) areDeselect Answer Always operating Operates only in presence of an inducer Always functional expect when suppressed Always non functional 28. The range of χ2-test statistics isDeselect Answer 0 to 1 0 to 100 0 to ∞ None of the above 29. One of the chemical used for fumigation of poultry house isDeselect Answer Iodine Lysol CuSo4 Formalin 30. Standard degree of purity of air for animal houses should not be lower thanDeselect Answer 93.7% 94.7% 95.7% 96.7% 31. Project Directorate on Cattle is located atDeselect Answer Karnal Hisar Meerut Izatnagar 32. The synthesis of new DNA strand on template strand takes place in the direction ofDeselect Answer 3’-5’ 5’-3’ In both the above directions In 3’-5’ on leading strand and in 5’-3’ direction on lagging strand 33. For ‘very good silage’ the pH range should beDeselect Answer 3.8-4.2 4.0-4.2 4.2 – 4.5 4.5-4.8 34. The following lysosome like enzyme released during ageing of meat isDeselect Answer Catalases Cathepsins Aldolases None of the above 35. Serum calcium and phosphorus concentration in nutritional dystrophies mayDeselect Answer Increase above normal level Decrease above normal level Decrease appreciably Remain with-in normal range 36. In a wet rendering the raw material is cooked at ________ psi for 4-8 hours.Deselect Answer 200 40 120 10 37. CFCs are responsible for depletion ofDeselect Answer Ozone Oxygen Carbon Nitrogen 38. Pasteurization that is adopted in most of the dairy plant isDeselect Answer HTST LTLT Vacreation All of the above 39. Main objective of adding salt during meat emulsion preparation isDeselect Answer To extract myofibrillar proteins Antioxidant Antimicrobial Flavour 40. Process of obtaining commercial sterility in meat by using ionizing radiation is calledDeselect Answer Radurization Radappertization Both of the above None of the above 41. East coast fever in cattle is caused byDeselect Answer Theileria Trypanosoma Babesia None 42. When meat is frozen slowly the largest crystals are formed?Deselect Answer Inside muscle fiber Between muscles Outside muscle fiber Between epi and perimysium 43. Skim milk powder is classified as _____________ byproductDeselect Answer Industrial Grain Cereal Roughage 44. Gajrai grass is the fodder grass belong to which of the following groups?Deselect Answer Seasonal Annual Perennial None of the above 45. Scientific name of oat isDeselect Answer Medicago sativa L. Avena sativa Trifolium alexandricum Medicago sativa 46. Which of the following enzymes are present in the acrosome of the bovine sperm?Deselect Answer Trypsin Adenylate cyclase Phospholipase C (PLC) Acrosin 47. Feeding of extra concentrates to ewes prior to and during the breeding season is calledDeselect Answer Steaming up Flushing Topping up All the above 48. As age of the cow increases, milk protein, fat and SNFDeselect Answer Increase Decrease Remain constant Are not related 49. The term that refers to the percentage of packed erythrocytes per unit volume of blood isDeselect Answer Differential Count Hemoglobin Hematocrit Hemopoiesis 50. Bollinger bodies are large intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies that are characteristic ofDeselect Answer Newcastle Disease virus Mareks disease virus Fowlpox virus Rabies virus 51. Intensive Cattle Development Project was started inDeselect Answer First Five Year Plan Second Five Year Plan Third Five Year Plan Fourth Five Year Plan 52. ______________ is a row of bacterial cells that are in close contact with one another over a large areaDeselect Answer Streptococci Staphylococci Trichome Tetrad 53. Age of eruption of permanent corners in sheepDeselect Answer 10-20 mths 20-30 mths 30-40 mths 40-50 mths 54. An analytical method used for detection and separation of DNA fragments isDeselect Answer Western blotting Southern blotting Northern blotting None of the above 55. The floor space required for commercial layers under deep litter system from 8 to 16 weeksDeselect Answer 3 sq.ft. 1.5 sq.ft. 2 sq.ft. 2.5 sq.ft. 56. The entire collection of proteins that an organism produces is calledDeselect Answer Genomics Proteomics Metagenomics None of the above 57. Genetically the commercials in chicken areDeselect Answer Single hybrid Double hybrids F1 offsprings F3 hybrids 58. Experiments that indicated that DNA was the genetic material in the T2 bacteriophage were performed byDeselect Answer Alfred D. Hershey F. Griffith O. Avery M. McCarty 59. Enzymes present in obligate aerobes and facultative anaerobes which catalyze the destruction of superoxide radical and hydrogen peroxide includesDeselect Answer Superoxide dismutase Catalase Both A and B None of the above 60. The sex ratio in egg type chicken for optimum fertility isDeselect Answer 1:10-12 1:8-10 1:15-16 1:1-2 61. Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute is located atDeselect Answer Hissar Avikanagar Karnal Makhdoom 62. MHC Class I molecules bind peptides that typically contain ______________ amino acid residuesDeselect Answer 4 to 6 8 to 10 13 to 18 None of the above 63. Annual genetic gain is inversely proportional toDeselect Answer Heritability Selection Intensity Phenotypic variance Generation Interval 64. In full sib correlation method of estimation of heritability, sire variance represents the following fraction of additive genetic varianceDeselect Answer 3/4 1/2 1/4 1/8 65. The mating of F1 individuals among themselves is calledDeselect Answer Interse mating Test crossing Forward crossing Grading up. 66. Phenytoin is an example ofDeselect Answer Class Ia drug Class Ib drug Class Ic drug None 67. Progeny selection is more valuable than mass selection becauseDeselect Answer Generation interval is increased Accuracy of estimating breeding value can be increased It can be used for low repeatable traits Less time consuming 68. Methods of Selection were given byDeselect Answer Hazel and Lush Sewall and Lush Falconer and Lush Sewall and Falconer 69. Which of the following enzyme is inhibited by corticosteroids via inducing the production of lipocortins to act as anti-inflammatory drugs?Deselect Answer Cyclooxygenase Lipoxygenase Phospholipase Esterase 70. For guinea pig the vitamin C requirement isDeselect Answer 400 mg/kg DM of diet 300 mg/kg DM of diet 100 mg/kg DM of diet 200 mg/kg DM of diet 71. Agranular lymphocyte develops inside bone marrow and lack common characteristic surface markers that are normally found in matured B cells & T-cells is called asDeselect Answer Null cell Dendritic cell Immunoglobulin Langerhans cell 72. Probiotics may be recognized asDeselect Answer Direct fed microbials (DFM) Indirect Fed Microbials (IFM) Both of the above None of the above 73. Atropine poisoning causes all, EXCEPTDeselect Answer Dilated pupil Excitement Excessive salivation Hot skin 74. Net gain of ATP per mole of acetic, propionic and butyric acid are ____ moles, ____ moles and ____moles respectivelyDeselect Answer 10, 17, 25 10, 20, 30 5, 14, 18 15, 10, 27 75. In which of the following species, ornithin conjugation is common?Deselect Answer Canines Bovines Equines Avian 76. Which volatile fatty acid is responsible for glucose synthesis in cow?Deselect Answer Acetate Propionate Butyrate None of the above 77. Xanthine oxidase required for uric acid synthesis, have element in its structureDeselect Answer Mn Cu Mo Zn 78. Gram-negative cells retain their outer membrane after penicillin treatment and are classified asDeselect Answer Spheroplasts Protoplast Glycocalyx Slime layer 79. Earliest sign of infectious arthritis seen in radiograph isDeselect Answer Osteolytic distruction of subchondral bone Synovial effusion and widening of joint space Reduced radiolucent joint space Osteophyte formation 80. Which of the following local anaesthetic is less potent?Deselect Answer Lignocaine Procaine Bupivacaine Mepavacaine 81. Vasomotor reversal of Dale is due toDeselect Answer α-blocker β-blocker α and β-blocker None 82. Common site of obstruction due to calculi in dog isDeselect Answer Urinary bladder Sigmoid flexure Glans penis Caudal to os-penis 83. An easily removable, unorganized layer of extracellular material that surrounds the bacterial cell is calledDeselect Answer Slime layer Capsule Glycocalyx None of the above 84. Which of the following is the most common feature of diaphragmatic hernia in buffalo?Deselect Answer Impaction of rumen Chronic recurrent Tympany Leukocytosis and shift to left Brisket oedema 85. Average concentration in Ram semen isDeselect Answer 2000-4000 million/ml 200-400 million/ml 2500-4500 million/ml 100-150 million/ml 86. Transformation of secondary spermatocytes to spermatids is calledDeselect Answer Spermatocytogenesis Spermateliosis Spermiogenesis Spermeation 87. Which of the following is an uncommon sequel of traumatic reticulo-peritonitis?Deselect Answer Diaphragmatic hernia Diffused peritonitis Rupture of left gastroepiploic artery Congestive heart failure 88. Acute bovine pulmonary emphysema and edema (ABPPE) is caused byDeselect Answer Excessive feeding of silage Excessive feeding of lush greens Feeding of moldy hay Excessive feeding of roughages 89. Hydrothorax is commonly seen in horses suffering fromDeselect Answer Strangles African horse sickness Equine influenza Equine infectious anaemia 90. Eclampsia in mares is caused byDeselect Answer Hypoproteinemia Hypophosphatemia Hypomagnesemia Hypocalcemia 91. Bacteria which can grow more rapidly at high hydrostatic pressure are calledDeselect Answer Barophilic Psychrophilic Thermophilic Hydrophilic 92. Which of the following zoonotic diseases is prevalent in Asia?Deselect Answer Japanese Encephalitis Lassa fever Louping ill Monkey pox 93. Which of the following is a semisolid media used for isolation of Leptospira?Deselect Answer EMJH medium Korthof’s medium Fletcher’s medium None of the above 94. Which of the following is true regarding prion protein?Deselect Answer It is a protein product coded in viral DNA Catalyses abnormal folding of other proteins Protect disulfide bonds from oxidation Cleaves normal proteins 95. Bacterium which is commonly known as ‘Timothy hay bacilli’ isDeselect Answer Mycobacterium tuberculosis Mycobacterium phlei Mycobacterium paratuberculosis None of the above 96. Which of the following is incorrect?Deselect Answer Class I MHC genes encode glycoproteins expressed on the surface of nearly all nucleated cells Class II MHC genes encode glycoproteins expressed predominantly on APCs Class III MHC genes encode several different proteins, some with immune functions, including components of complement system and molecules involved in inflammation None of the above 97. Renal coccidiosis in equines is caused byDeselect Answer Eimeria leuckarti Eimeria solipedium Klossiella equi Eimeria uniungulata 98. Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis is caused byDeselect Answer Sarcocystis fusiformis Sarcocystis capracanis Sarcocystis neurona Neospora caninum 99. Button shaped punched necrotic ulcers in the abomasum of cattle is a characteristic postmortem lesion seen inDeselect Answer Trypanosomosis Theileriosis Babesiosis Tritrichomonosis 100. Which of the following is not a liver fluke?Deselect Answer Fasciola gigantica Dicrocoelium dendriticum Fasciolopsis buski Ophisthorchis tenuicollis
Rafiqui says 25/10/2020 at 4:37 PM Please if possible give the copy of answers filled by candidates to respective candidates so that they can improve upon their short comings Reply
Dr. Amandeep Singh says 25/10/2020 at 10:17 PM Sorry Dr. Rafiqui, this is not possible at this time. Reply
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Good questions. Important for all competitive exams!
Nice questions