Mock Test on ICAR PG Exam – Veterinary Sciences 04/07/2020 by Dr. Amandeep Singh Welcome to your Mock Test on ICAR PG Exam - Veterinary Sciences 1.0 Name Email University 1. Term used for the inflammation of shoulder jointDeselect Answer Coxitis Omarthritis Gonitis 2. Vitamin C is antidote forDeselect Answer Copper poisoning Lead poisoning Nitrate poisoning Cyanide poisoning 3. Ability of the organism to cause a disease is calledDeselect Answer Virulence Pathogenecity Invasiveness Adhesivenss 4. Which of the following catgut is most commonly usedDeselect Answer Type A - Plain Type B - Mild Chromic Type C - Medium Chromic Type D - Extra Chromic 5. The site for recording pulse in the piglets isDeselect Answer External maxillary artery Middle coccygeal artery Median artery Femoral artery 6. Bubonocele refers toDeselect Answer Umblical hernia Inguinal hernia Diaphragmatic hernia Perineal hernia 7. Ratio of Calcium to Magnesium in the body of an animal isDeselect Answer 4:1 6:1 2:1 1:4 8. Hepatotoxic (Aflatoxin B1) is converted to the carcinogen (Aflatoxin M1) by which of the metabolic pathwayDeselect Answer Hydroxylation Acetylation Sulphate conjugation Oxidation 9. Which of the following tests is used to find out ketone bodies in urineDeselect Answer Robert's Test Rothera's Test Benzidine Test Gmelin Test 10. Steatorrhea is caused by all factors exceptDeselect Answer Pancreatic atony Gastrin secreting imbalance Resection of distal ileum Haemolytic jaundice 11. Netobimin is a prodrug forDeselect Answer Albendazole Fenbendazole Mebendazole Thiabendazole 12. The abortion can occur at any stage of pregnancy in animals infected withDeselect Answer Brucellosis Bovine rhinotracheitis Leptospirosis Vibriosis 13. The toxicity is classified in subacute form if it is present over a period ofDeselect Answer 45 days 60 days 30 days 75 days 14. Usually the ratio of heart rate to respiratory rate isDeselect Answer 2:1 4:1 6:1 1:1 15. If semen is thick and creamy then it is categorized asDeselect Answer Excellent Very Good Fair Poor 16. Gold standard test for FMD (Foot and Mouth Disease) isDeselect Answer Competitive ELISA CFT Virus neutralization test (Complement Fixation Test) FAT (Fluorescent Antibody Test) 17. Fanconi syndrome is associated with the use of outdatedDeselect Answer Tetracyclines Quinolones Aminoglycosides Beta-lactam Antibiotics 18. Vaccine 17- D is used to preventDeselect Answer Yellow fever Rocky Mountain Spotted fever Q fever Malta fever 19. Which of the following dog breed is most susceptible to copper poisoningDeselect Answer Lhasa Apso Collie German Shephard Bedlington Terrier 20. Bipartite uterus is present in the reproductive system ofDeselect Answer Cow Sow Mare Bitch 21. Term "filleting” comprises ofDeselect Answer Amputation of digits Amputation of infected leg Emergency laparotomy in horse Novel method of horn amputation 22. Local anesthetic lignocaine selectively blocks which type of sodium channelsDeselect Answer Open Na channels Inactivated Na channels Both open and inactivated Na channels Closed Na channels 23. Eosinophil diluting fluid isDeselect Answer Hayem’s fluid Thomas fluid Rees-Ecker fluid Pilot’s fluid 24. Maximum blood volume you may collect from an avian patient isDeselect Answer 5% 10% 20% 30% 25. Lipiduria is most commonly observed inDeselect Answer Dog Horse Cat Pig 26. Red cells with uniformly placed pointed projections on their surface are called asDeselect Answer Keratocytes Horn cells Burr cells Acanthocytes 27. Drug of choice for breast cancerDeselect Answer Tamoxifen Mifepristone Cisplatin Mitolane 28. Who is known as ‘Father of Veterinary Medicine’Deselect Answer Rudolf Virchow Robert Koch Louis Pasteur Renatus Vegetius 29. Daily intake of __________ anti-platelet drug in low doses reduces the incidence of ischaemic heart diseaseDeselect Answer Aspirin Clopidogrel Dipyrimadole Prasugel 30. Sheep Scab is another name forDeselect Answer Sarcoptic Mange Psoroptic Mange Demodectic Mange Chorioptic Mange 31. Abducent nerve supplies to _______ musclesDeselect Answer Inferior rectus and medial rectus Dorsal oblique and retractor oculi Lateral rectus and dorsal oblique Lateral rectus and retractor oculi 32. Which of the following bacteria doesn't appear in the animal excretaDeselect Answer Bacillus anthracis Clostridium sp. Salmonella sp. Vibrio sp. 33. Which of the following is involved in transmission of avian spirochaetesDeselect Answer Mycoplasma gallisepticum Borrelia Haemophilus paragallinarum Rickettsia 34. Hepatotoxic metabolite formed after the metabolism of paracetamol isDeselect Answer NAPQBi (Imidoquinone derivative) Cyclohexilamine Phosgene Benzopyrene 35. A form of programmed pro-inflammatory cell death is calledDeselect Answer Apoptosis Pyroptosis Autophagy Necroptosis 36. Beta carboline is an example ofDeselect Answer Partial agonist Complete agonist Inverse agonist Antagonist 37. Bovine bonkers symptom is associated with __________ poisoningDeselect Answer Mercury Organophosphorus Urea Carbamate 38. _________ breed of cattle is most susceptible to Downer Cow SyndromeDeselect Answer Jersey Holstein-Friesian Ayershire Deoni 39. Term for thickening and hardening of skin is known asDeselect Answer Linchenification Excoriation Nodule Pachyderma 40. Light blue enormous regions in the cytoplasm of toxic neutrophils isDeselect Answer Russel body Dohle body Mallory body Basic proteins 41. Eosinophilia is observed inDeselect Answer Bacterial infection Parasitic infection Viral infection Fungal infection 42. First quinolone in veterinary use wasDeselect Answer Ciprofloxacin Nalidixic Acid Enrofloxacin Marbofloxacin 43. In normal condition (homeostatic) highest icterus index is found inDeselect Answer Bovine Caprine Canine Equine 44. "Tampon Method" is employed forDeselect Answer Heat detection Novel method of artificial insemination Method of collection of genital discharge Method for resolving uterine torsion 45. Androgen binding protein is produced byDeselect Answer Adrenals Hypothalamus Sertoli cells Leydig cells 46. Glucagon is not commonly found inDeselect Answer Brain Pancreas GIT Adrenals 47. Bear comes under the ‘family'Deselect Answer Ursidae Rodentia Logomorpha Proboscidae 48. Which hormone plays important role in alveolar duct formationDeselect Answer Progesterone Estrogen Oxytocin Testosterone 49. Major route of heat loss in cattle during high environmental temperature is throughDeselect Answer Conduction Convection Evaporation Radiation 50. Marsh test is exclusively used to determine the poisoning related toDeselect Answer Arsenic Lead Mercury Copper 51. Endodyogeny is found inDeselect Answer Sarcocystis cruzi Sarcocystis hominis Toxoplasma gondii All the above 52. Highly selective method to detect staphylococcus enterotoxin isDeselect Answer Radioimmune assay Immuno-diffusion Single radial immuno-diffusion ELISA 53. Angular process is present in mandible ofDeselect Answer Dog Horse Ox Fowl 54. Which is related to primary treatment of sewageDeselect Answer Grit chamber Humus tank Trickling filters Bioaeration 55. Spinose ear tick is pathogenic in itsDeselect Answer Larva stage Nymph stage Both larval and nymph stage Adult stage 56. Site of iron absorption isDeselect Answer Stomach Duodenum Jejunum Ileum 57. The spores in Bacillus sp. are usually composed ofDeselect Answer Poly D-glutamic acid Calcium dipicolinic acid Techoic acid Diamino palmitic acid 58. Fractional sterilization was developed byDeselect Answer Louis Pasteur John Tyndall John Snow Joseph Lister 59. Seitz filter is used for filteringDeselect Answer Culture broth Toxin from culture Semen Viral growth medium 60. Preservative used for preservation of serum isDeselect Answer Merthiolate Formaldehyde 70% alcohol 10% alcohol 61. Rhodopsin is commonly referred asDeselect Answer Visual purple Visual violet Visual blue Visual red 62. Specific vitamin therapy of lactic acid metabolism in case of Monday Morning Sickness isDeselect Answer Thiamine Biotin Niacin Riboflavin 63. Blue line is seen at the junction of teeth and gums in animals which has been poisoned withDeselect Answer Mercury Lead Arsenic Fluoride 64. Q-fever agent is found inDeselect Answer Milk and urine Blood and sputum Placenta and spleen All 65. Which of the following fluid is contraindicated in liver dysfunctionDeselect Answer Dextrose 5% Normal Saline Ringers Solution Lactated Ringers Solution 66. Oncogenic foodborne virus isDeselect Answer Bovine leukosis complex Feline leukosis complex Avian leukosis complex Caprine leukosis complex 67. Terenol is highly active againstDeselect Answer Paramphistomoses Echinostomoses Prosthogonimiasis Notocotylosis 68. Streptococcus infection isDeselect Answer Anthropozoonoses Zooanthroponoses Amphixenoses Cyclozoonoses 69. Connective tissue fibres showing loose argyrophilia when bundled together areDeselect Answer Collagen Muscle fibres Elastic fibres Reticular fibres 70. Streptococcus lactis is differentiated from the Streptococcus cremoris byDeselect Answer Growth at 10 and 45°C Growth in presence of NaCl Ammonia production from arginine Lactose utilization 71. Cloudy swelling is characterized by the hazy cytoplasm due to swollenDeselect Answer Endoplasmic Reticulum Golgi bodies Mitochondria Nucleus 72. Multi-nucleated cells having vacillations in cytoplasm due to increased lipid content are known asDeselect Answer Foreign body giant cells Langhans giant cells Tumour giant cells Taunton giant cells 73. Mesosome is the invagination ofDeselect Answer Nuclear membrane Plasma membrane Cell wall Capsule 74. Which of the following is found more in CSF than plasmaDeselect Answer Phosphorus Potassium Chloride Sulphate 75. Organisms lacking rigid cell wall are included underDeselect Answer Gracilicutes Firmicutes Mendosicutes Tenericutes 76. Orthotoulidine test detectsDeselect Answer Combined chlorine Combined Ammonia Both of the above None of the above 77. Which of the following papillae bear taste budsDeselect Answer Fungiform Filiform Lenticular Circumvallate 78. RITARD (Removable Intestinal Tie Adult Rabbit Diarrhea) model is used to study the immune response mounted againstDeselect Answer Streptococcus sp. Campylobacter jejuni Staphylococcus aureus Salmonella enteritidis 79. Sweaty blood causing ‘matty hairs’ in horses is due toDeselect Answer Onchocerca reticulata Parafilaria multipapillosa Stephanofilaria assamensis Strongylus equinus 80. Deposition of Strontium 90 in the bone is due to more _______ in the dietDeselect Answer Sodium Potassium Calcium Phosphorus 81. Colliculus seminalis is related withDeselect Answer Urethra Bladder Spleen Liver 82. During chilling meat is held in good condition without destroying bloom when stored atDeselect Answer -1.5 to -4.5°C -1 to 0°C 7 to 10°C None 83. Parthenogenesis is shown byDeselect Answer Damalinia Solenoptes Haemophilus Linognathus 84. Rubber gets destroyed by the action ofDeselect Answer Light Ozone Fat All of the above 85. Cancrum oris or Noma isDeselect Answer Eosinophilic stomatitis Lympho-plasmocytic stomatitis Acute gangrenous stomatitis Papular stomatitis 86. According to the flagella arrangement, Pseudomonas aeruginosa is classified asDeselect Answer Monotrichous Peritrichous Amphitrichous Lophotrichous 87. Fletcher's media is used forDeselect Answer Borrelia Leptospira Salmonella Listeria 88. For motility testing ________ media is usedDeselect Answer Solid media Liquid Media Semi-solid media Any of the above 89. Salt concentration in mannitol salt agar (MSA) isDeselect Answer 2.5% 5% 7.5% 15% 90. Egg containing media is used for cultivation ofDeselect Answer Mycoplasma Mycobacterium Chlamydia Borrelia 91. Protein requirement for adult dog as per AAFCO isDeselect Answer 19% 21% 18% 26% 92. Frequency of FMD vaccination isDeselect Answer Once a year Twice a year Thrice a year Four times in year 93. Which of the following is long haired cat breedDeselect Answer Havana Egyptian Mau Persian Abyssinian 94. Marey's law denotes the relationship between heartDeselect Answer Contractibility and conductivity Rate and contraction Rate and blood pressure Contraction and blood pressure 95. Cluster of grapes or berry shaped ovary is found inDeselect Answer Canine Porcine Equine Caprine 96. In semen collection by Artificial Vagina method, A.V. should be inclined at an angle ofDeselect Answer 30° 45° 60° 90° 97. Turning fetus in its transverse axis into an anterior or posterior presentation is calledDeselect Answer Rotation Repulsion Version Extraction 98. Which of the following dilutor is used to store the semen at room temperatureDeselect Answer Egg yolk phosphate dilutor Egg yolk citrate glycerol dilutor Cornell University extender Milk dilutor 99. Pine disease of calves and sheep is due to deficiency ofDeselect Answer Copper Zinc Iron Cobalt 100. Biological action of hCG is similar withDeselect Answer FSH LH Prolactin Inhibin 101. One gram of purified Clostridium botulinum toxin can furnish _________ million lethal doses (LD)Deselect Answer 2 3 5 6 102. Chromaffin cells of adrenal medulla areDeselect Answer Norepinephrine and epinephrine cells Beta and delta cells Alpha and gamma cells All of the above 103. Treatment of hard water with slaked lime results in the removal ofDeselect Answer Temporary hardness due to calcium Temporary hardness due to magnesium Permanent hardness due to calcium Permanent hardness due to magnesium 104. Mercuric Chloride test is used for diagnosis ofDeselect Answer Trypanosoma evansi Trypanosoma equinum Trypanosoma equiperdum All of the above 105. Viral disease(s) related to water pollution is/areDeselect Answer FMD Rabies Canine distemper All of the above 106. To attain the cornual nerve block in goats, along with the cornual nerve additionally ________ nerve has to be blockedDeselect Answer Infratrochlear Nerve Supraoptic Nerve Mandibular Nerve Maxillary Nerve 107. Central Frozen Semen Production and Training Institute is located atDeselect Answer Chennai Bangalore Pune Hessarghatta 108. Bence Jones Proteins are found inDeselect Answer Multiple myeloma Transmissible general tumour Sertoli cell tumour Prostate cancer 109. In xanthomas, the macrophages are laden withDeselect Answer Glycogen Hemosiderin Cholestrol Fat 110. Free radicals cause cell injury byDeselect Answer Lipid peroxidation of the membrane Cross linking of proteins DNA fragmentation All of the above 111. Sulphur granules seen in the animals infected withDeselect Answer Histomonas meleagridis Hexamita meleagridis Tritrichomonas Tetratrichomonas gallinae 112. Hepatitis A isDeselect Answer Food borne disease Water borne disease Both of the above None of the above 113. Which is not a muscle of anterolateral aspect of hind limbDeselect Answer Peroneus tertius Exctractor bovis Tibialis anticus Gamellus 114. Phosphatase test is able to detectDeselect Answer 1.5° drop in pasteurization temperature 5 min shortening of holding time Addition of 0.5% of raw milk All of the above 115. Which of the following methods is used to detect the presence of eggs of Oxyuris equiDeselect Answer Fresh faeces Perineal swab Both of the above None of the above 116. Mumps disease is due to viral infection ofDeselect Answer Infraorbital gland Submaxillary gland Parotid gland Mandibular gland 117. Consumption of liver of polar bear cause which type of hypervitaminosisDeselect Answer Vit. A Vit. B Vit. C Vit. D 118. Chemical oxygen demand is forDeselect Answer Degradable organic matter Non degradable organic matter Both of the above None of the above 119. Itchy leg in horses due toDeselect Answer Chorioptes bovis Chorioptes equi Psoroptes ovis All the above 120. Commonest ectoparasites on snake areDeselect Answer Ticks Lice Mite Fleas Please fill in the comment box below.