Mock Test on ICAR PG Exam – Animal Sciences 7.0 14/08/2021 by Dr. Amandeep Singh 1 Comment Welcome to your Mock Test on ICAR PG Exam - Animal Sciences 7.0 Name Email University 1. Rumen degradable and undegradable protein system was first proposed byDeselect Answer A) Agricultural Research Council B) National Research Council C) Indian Agricultural Research Council D) Veterinary Council Of India 2. Grow more food campaign was started in the yearDeselect Answer A) 1940 B) 1947 C) 1952 D) 1955 3. Crossing over usually results inDeselect Answer A) Overproduction of gametes B) Fertilization and development C) Formation of identical offspring D) Variation within the species 4. Konkan kapila cattle breed is native ofDeselect Answer A) Maharashtra and Goa B) Kerala and Karnataka C) Maharashtra and Karnataka D) Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh 5. In which type of mating in poultry, the males are kept separately in a pen and females are brought for mating one after anotherDeselect Answer A) Pen mating B) Flock mating C) Stud mating D) Hen mating 6. Internal faecal indicator in determining digestibility isDeselect Answer A) Protein B) Lignin C) Chromic oxide D) All of the above 7. In a locus there are three alleles A1, A2 and A3 with the frequencies of 0.6, 0.3 and 0.1 respectively. If the parents mates at random, the frequency of A1A3 genotype in the progeny generation will beDeselect Answer A) 0.36 B) 0.06 C) 0.09 D) 0.12 8. Computation of inbreeding coefficient of an individual from pedigreed population using path coefficient method was developed by?Deselect Answer A) Malecot B) Haldane C) Wright D) Van vleck 9. A set of ideas developed for the operation of Co-operativesDeselect Answer A) Rochdale principles B) Kelsey principles C) Roger principles D) Kurian principle 10. The pancreas protects itself against self-digestion by making a specific inhibitor protein calledDeselect Answer A) Carboxypeptidase B B) Carboxypeptidase A C) Aminopeptidase D) Pancreatic trypsin inhibitor 11. What percentage of the global milk production does India contributes?Deselect Answer A) 18.6 B) 20.2 C) 16.4 D) 22.1 12. Recently registered breed of cattle from India’s Telangana state isDeselect Answer A) Poda Thurpu B) Dagri C) Thothu D) Nari 13. Krishi Unnati Mela is a three-day event launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi onDeselect Answer A) March 2016 B) April 2016 C) March 2017 D) April 2018 14. Which of the following is the strain of indigenous Deoni cows?Deselect Answer A) Wannera B) Shevera C) Balankya D) All of the above 15. Under the temperature conditions that prevail in the manufacture of condensed milk only _______will crystallize.Deselect Answer A) β-lactose anhydride B) α-lactose hydrate C) α-lactose anhydride D) β-lactose hydrate 16. The best recommended pasteurization temperature and time for liquid whole egg is:Deselect Answer A) 61 – 62°C for 2.5 min B) 64 – 65°C for 2.5 min C) 66 – 67°C for 2.5 min D) 68 – 69°C for 2.5 min 17. ‘Shrink bags’ package form is mainly used for packaging of:Deselect Answer A) Frozen red meat B) Frozen poultry C) Frozen fish D) Fresh poultry 18. Protein degradation in meat can be estimated by determining itsDeselect Answer A) Protein number B) TCA number C) Tyrosine value D) TBA value 19. The idea and actions that explain how a firm will make its profits refer toDeselect Answer A) Mission B) Goal C) Objective D) Strategy 20. What is the attraction of mass media to extension services?Deselect Answer A) High speed and high cost B) High speed and low cost C) Moderate speed and moderate cost D) Low speed and low cost 21. Who gave the Genic Balance theory of sex determination?Deselect Answer A) Swammerdam B) Calvin B. Bridge C) R.C. Punnet D) Laplace 22. The reducing sugar, glucose present in the whole egg which can actively react with proteins during hot processing is calledDeselect Answer A) Drying B) Millard reaction C) Freezingg D) None of the above 23. A sample is randomly drawn from a population:Deselect Answer A) To reduce the study to a manageable size. B) To ensure that the full range of possibilities is included. C) To obtain 'normal' animals. D) To obtain a representative group. 24. Name the condition where the cells are unable to use the oxygen that is supplied.Deselect Answer A) Anemic hypoxia B) Ischemic hypoxia C) Histotoxic hypoxia D) All of the above 25. Abundant secretion of mucus in urinary system of the horse is due to:Deselect Answer A) Reduces friction for passage of urine B) Carry carbonates and phosphates C) Prevents irritation from highly alkaline urine D) All of the above 26. In population genetics, the reduction of heterozygosity (that is when an organism has two different alleles at a locus) in a population caused by subpopulation structure is called asDeselect Answer A) Wahlund effect B) Founder effect C) Bottleneck effect D) Equilibrium effect 27. If parental genes are proportionately more than 50% in offspring’s then Deselect Answer A) Recombination <50% B) Recombination >50% C) Recombination =50% D) Recombination will not take place 28. The phenotypic ratio of 1:2:1 is observed in which of the following phenomenon? Deselect Answer A) Dominance B) Codominance C) Recessiveness D) Lethal gene 29. Milk mirror refers toDeselect Answer A) Mammary veins B) Mammary arteries C) Space just ahead of udder D) Space just above udder between buttocks 30. Time of ovulation in sheep isDeselect Answer A) 12 hrs before end of estrus B) 12 hrs after end of estrus C) 24 hrs before end of estrus D) 24 hrs after end of estrus 31. National Institute of Animal Welfare situated atDeselect Answer A) Modipuram, Meerut B) Motihari C) Vallabhgarh D) Farah, Mathura 32. Which amino acid is diamino-monocarboxylic?Deselect Answer A) Glycine B) Tyrosine C) Arginine D) methionine 33. Which of the following enzyme does not require conversion into its coenzyme derivative in order to function in body?Deselect Answer A) Vit. H B) Vit. M C) Vit. A D) Vit. C 34. Which is the correct order of the efficiency of conversion of Tryptophan to Niacin?Deselect Answer A) Pig>Chicken>Duck>Cat B) Cat>Chicken>Duck>Pig C) Chicken>Pig>Duck>Cat D) Duck>Chicken>Pig>Cat 35. Under the existing trade practices, only one type of khoa is marketed whereas the manufactures themselves use the other two varieties. Which type of khoa is marketed?Deselect Answer A) Pindi B) Dhap C) Danedar D) None of these 36. Which egg yolk component is primarily altered by freezing subsequently resulting in gelation of egg yolk?Deselect Answer A) Low density lipoprotein B) High density lipoprotein C) Lecithin D) Cephalin 37. One of the most important lactic acid bacteria used for production of fermented sausages is:Deselect Answer A) Leuconostoc citrovorum B) Lactobacillus acidophilus C) Bifidobacterium bifidus D) Pediococcus acidilactici 38. Chalky white diarrhoea in newly hatched chicks is a clinical symptom ofDeselect Answer A) Avian encephalomyelitis B) Infectious Bronchitis C) Salmonella pullorum D) All the above 39. PMSG has both more ___________ and less ___________ activity.Deselect Answer A) FSH, LH B) LH, FSH C) hCG, eCG D) T3, T4 40. Extension programme should be based on analysis of the past experiences, present situation and ............Deselect Answer A) Future solutions B) Future profit C) Future needs D) Future ideas 41. Which was designed by admixture of Garole, Malpura & Patanwadi?Deselect Answer A) Avikalin B) Avivastra C) Avimaans D) Avishaan 42. Just prior to breeding season, shearing of sheep flock is important becauseDeselect Answer A) It makes them more active & in many cases will improve their fertility B) It reduces fertility C) It enhances feed intake D) All the above 43. Average biogas produced from one cubic meter of slurryDeselect Answer A) 0.15 to 0.20 cubic meter B) 0.25 to 0.5 cubic meter C) 1.25 to 1.5 cubic meter D) 2.25 to 2.5 cubic meter 44. Hormone sensitive lipase (HSL) is stimulated byDeselect Answer A) Insuline B) glucagon C) epinephrine D) ADH 45. Breed adaptation to a given climate rely onDeselect Answer A) Genetic potential B) Environmental disposition C) Plane of nutrition D) All of the above 46. Consider a locus with two alleles, A and a. If the frequency of AA is 0.25, what is the frequency of A under Hardy-Weinberg?Deselect Answer A) 0.25 B) 0.35 C) 0.5 D) 0.75 47. Which of the following is true of genetic drift?Deselect Answer A) Genetic drift helps reduce the frequency of harmful alleles in a population B) Genetic drift only occurs in populations at Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium C) Genetic drift involves the random change of allele frequencies in a population D) None of these statements are true 48. It describes the accuracy with which early records of an animal's performance in a particular trait can predict its lifetime performanceDeselect Answer A) Heritability B) Repeatability C) Genomic selection D) All of the above 49. Lactobacillus viridiscens produces hydrogen peroxide and oxidizes the meat pigment to produceDeselect Answer A) A red color B) A grayish to greenish color C) Violet color D) A brownish to blackish color 50. Which one out of the following egg product has the highest amount of cholesterol (per 100g sample)Deselect Answer A) Dried whole egg powder B) Frozen sugared yolk C) Dried whole egg D) Fresh yolk 51. Light coloured circular spots around feather follicles and discoloured areas on the surface of skin of preserved meat is due toDeselect Answer A) Freezer burns B) Poor bleeding procedure C) Over Scalding D) Both A and C 52. eNAM network of the existing APMC mandis aims to create a unified ……. market for agricultural commodities.Deselect Answer A) International B) National C) State D) Regional 53. How many kinds of F2 genotypes will be heterozygotes (assuming independent assortment) if mating is done among F1 heterozygotes for 4 gene pairs?Deselect Answer A) 81 B) 32 C) 16 D) 64 54. Which part of pre-ovulatory follicle converts to large luteal cells after ovulation?Deselect Answer A) theca interna cells B) theca externa cells C) zona pellucid D) Granulosa cells 55. The goat breed toggenberg originated from which of the following country?Deselect Answer A) Spain B) Denmark C) Switzerland D) France 56. What is the percentage of GE intake lost as methane energy in ruminants?Deselect Answer A) 5-7 % B) 8-10 % C) 11-12 % D) 13-15 % 57. In case of ewe, feeding of extra greens 2-3 weeks prior to the breeding season is known asDeselect Answer A) Steaming up B) Challange feeding C) Flushing D) None 58. Cytoplasm of muscle fiber is called asDeselect Answer A) Protoplasm B) Sarcoplasm C) Sarcomere D) Ground substance 59. The most effective stimulus for cerebral circulation isDeselect Answer A) Oxygen deficiency B) Baro-receptor reflex C) Decreased glucose D) Excess Carbon dioxide 60. Which of the following VFA has been given with milk replacer for development of ruminal epithelium?Deselect Answer A) Caproate B) Butryate C) Acetate D) Propionate 61. Which antibiotic will cross the blood-brain barrier without any inflammation?Deselect Answer A) Sulphonamides B) Chloramphenicol C) Tetracyclines D) Cephalosporins 62. Rigor mortis is an example of ________, which results from a depletion of ______ and a failure of cross‐bridge heads to ______ from actin.Deselect Answer A) Contraction; Ca2+; attach B) Relaxation; ATP; detach C) Contraction; ATP; detach D) Relaxation; Ca2+; attach 63. ISO 22000 is related withDeselect Answer A) Environment Management System B) Food Safety Management System C) Quality Management System D) None of thesE 64. Zebu cattle breeds having dished profile forehead and lyre horn areDeselect Answer A) Kankrej & Kherigarh B) Kenkatha C) Malvi and Tharparkar D) All of the above 65. The total number of sperms that are to be introduced into the female for obtaining desired fertility isDeselect Answer A) 25 Million sperms B) 75 Million sperms C) 100 Million sperms D) 50 Million sperms 66. The Leagan’s model of communication containsDeselect Answer A) 4 elements B) 5 elements C) 6 elements D) 7 elementS 67. Which of the following is most important in inhibiting the digestibility of paddy straw ?Deselect Answer A) Lignin B) Silica C) Hemicellulose D) Oxalate 68. Which of the following animal shows external evidence of pro-oestrus with vulval oedema, hyperemia & sanguinous vulval discharge?Deselect Answer A) Cattle B) Bitch C) Doe D) Ewe and Mare 69. Efficiency of conversion of ß carotene to vitamin A is in the order?Deselect Answer A) Rat>Ruminants> Pig> Poultry B) Rat>Poultry>Pig>Ruminants C) Rat>Poultry>Ruminants>Pig D) Pig>Poultry>Ruminants>Rat 70. The first dairy co-operative was started in the year 1913 atDeselect Answer A) Anand B) Allahabad C) Jaipur D) Pune 71. High ultimate pH of meat is observed in the following condition.Deselect Answer A) PSE B) DFD C) Glazy meat D) Cold meat 72. Which of the following is system of cleaning of milk plant that does not require dismantling of the equipments?Deselect Answer A) CIP cleaning B) CCS C) Both of the above D) None of the above 73. Serum calcium and phosphorus concentration in nutritional dystrophies mayDeselect Answer A) Increase above normal level B) decrease above normal level C) Decrease appreciably D) remain with-in normal range 74. As per the BIS standards, in very good type of raw milk, the SPC/ml of milk should beDeselect Answer A) > 50 lakhs B) 2-10 lakhs C) < 2 lakhs D) 10- 50 lakhs 75. Transformation of secondary spermatocytes to spermatids is calledDeselect Answer A) Spermatocytogenesis B) Spermateliosis C) Spermiogenesis D) Spermeation 76. Net gain of ATP per mole of acetic, propionic and butyric acid areDeselect Answer A) 10, 17, 25 moles respectively B) 10, 20, 30 moles respectively C) 5, 14, 18 moles respectively D) 15, 10, 27 moles respectively 77. Progeny selection is more valuable than mass selection becauseDeselect Answer A) Generation interval is increased B) Accuracy of estimating breeding value can be increased C) It can be used for low repeatable traits D) Less time consuming 78. Genetically the commercial chicken areDeselect Answer A) Single hybrid B) Double hybrids C) F1 offsprings D) F3 hybrids 79. When meat is frozen slowly the largest crystals are formedDeselect Answer A) Inside muscle fiber B) Between muscles C) Outside muscle fiber D) Between epi and perimysium 80. The following lysosome like enzyme released during ageing of meat isDeselect Answer A) Catalases B) Cathepsins C) Aldolases D) None of the above 81. The range of χ2-test statistics is:Deselect Answer A) 0 to 1 B) 0 to 100 C) 0 to ∞ D) None of the above 82. Symbolic adoption is an example forDeselect Answer A) Covert behaviour B) Overt behaviour C) Affection D) Perception 83. In complement fixation test, the lysis of RBC indicatesDeselect Answer A) No antibody present in test serum sample C) No complement present in test serum sample B) No antigen present in test serum sample D) All of the above 84. In translocation, the exchange of chromosomal segments occursDeselect Answer A) With in the same chromosome B) Between homologous chromosomes C) Between non homologous chromosomes D) Both b and c 85. Which of the following is used as energy source (not protein source)?Deselect Answer A) Linseed meal B) Salseed meal C) Mustard cake D) Sunflower cake 86. Metastatic or general calcification is deposition of calcium salts in many tissues in several organs due to increase inDeselect Answer A) Blood phosphorus level B) Blood calcium level C) Blood magnesium level D) None 87. Meat tenderness is not related toDeselect Answer A) Age of the animal B) Growth hormone supplementation C) Fat content of the meat D) Glycogen content of the meat 88. Which buffalo breed evolved out of crossing Surti and Murrah?Deselect Answer A) Jaffarabadi B) Mehsana C) Nili Ravi D) Nagpuri 89. An association between two organism in which both are benefited isDeselect Answer A) Symbiosis B) Synnenecrotic C) Antagonism D) Mutualistic 90. Siderosis meansDeselect Answer A) Deposition of calcium in lung B) Deposition of iron in lung C) Deposition of silicon in lung D) Deposition of silver particle in lung 91. In which animal, serum is particularly rich in antienzyme, poor in leucocytes and suppurative conditions is not commonly seen?Deselect Answer A) Fowl B) Hamster C) Guinea pig D) Rabbit 92. Black discoloration of milk is due toDeselect Answer A) Serratia marcescenes B) Pseudomonas fragi C) Pseudomonas cynogens D) Pseudomonas nigrifaciens 93. What is the chromosome number of riverine buffalo?Deselect Answer A) 48 B) 50 C) 52 D) 60 94. MOOC stands forDeselect Answer A) Multiple Open Online Course B) Massive Open Online Course C) Multiple Online Open Course D) Massive Online Open Course 95. DARE was established in the yearDeselect Answer A) 1973 B) 1983 C) 1993 D) 1998 96. Which of the following is not a pre-requisite for Hardy-Weinberg law?Deselect Answer A) Small population B) No mutation C) No migration D) No random mating 97. Which of the following is not a breed of guinea fowl?Deselect Answer A) Pearl B) Lavender C) White D) Barred 98. The chromosome number of ostrich isDeselect Answer A) 76 B) 78 C) 80 D) 82 99. Floor space requirement in metre square for fattener pig isDeselect Answer A) 2 B) 4 C) 6 D) 8 100. The mortality rate in typical broiler farm should be less than _____ %Deselect Answer A) 5 B) 10 C) 15 D) 20 101. What is the proportion of buffaloes in total livestock population in India?Deselect Answer A) 36.04 per cent B) 20.47 per cent C) 13.83 per cent D) 27.74 per cent 102. In balance ration, the proportion of salt and mineral mixture is taken as __________%Deselect Answer A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 103. Hydroscopic properties of lactose are most utilized in ___________Deselect Answer A) Pharmaceutical tablet preparation B) Seeding of condensed milk C) Baby food manufacture D) None of the above 104. Which disinfectant is commonly used during treatment of navel cord after birthDeselect Answer A) 90% Phenol B) 10% Formalin C) 30% Tincture iodine D) None 105. Which of the following has least resistant to damage caused by physical treatment?Deselect Answer A) Whole egg liquid B) Egg yolk C) Egg white D) Salted/sugared egg liquid 106. In cheese making, standardization is carried out to adjust the casein/fat ratio in cheese milk to:Deselect Answer A) 0.48 – 0.50 B) 0.58 – 0.60 C) 0.68 – 0.70 D) 0.78 – 0.80 107. Standing space is arranged at an angle of 45 degree in this type of milking parlourDeselect Answer A) Tandem B) Herringbone C) Rotatory D) Walk-through 108. What is the correlation of age of the cow and milk fat?Deselect Answer A) Positive B) Negative C) Zero D) Perfect 109. When the variability in expression of a given gene is that the presence of the gene does not always result in detectable phenotypic effect is known asDeselect Answer A) Variable expressivity B) Incomplete penetrance C) Gene interaction D) Complete dominance 110. Urea supplement is not recommended if CP content of ruminant diet is above?Deselect Answer A) 18% B) 25% C) 7% D) 13% 111. ____________% NDF in total ration is critical for maintenance of normal milk fatDeselect Answer A) 66% B) 18% C) 73% D) 36% 112. The oestrous cycle of sow is ofDeselect Answer A) 17 days B) 21 days C) 24 days D) 27 days 113. Highest milk production in India is constituted byDeselect Answer A) Indigenous buffalo B) Cross-bred buffalo C) Indigenous cattle D) Cross-bred cattle 114. Highest meat production in India is contributed byDeselect Answer A) Poultry B) Buffaloes C) Goats D) Pigs 115. The first female calf using ETT was born atDeselect Answer Ahmedabad Jammu Bareilly Karnal 116. Repeated backcrossing is also known asDeselect Answer A) Species hybridization B) Grading up C) Out crossing D) Three way crossing 117. Closed nucleus breeding scheme is usually used forDeselect Answer A) Cattle B) Buffaloes C) Mares D) Pigs 118. IBL-80 strain of broiler chicken was developed byDeselect Answer A) KVAFSU B) BASU C) GADVASU D) RAJUVAS 119. Highest amount of goat milk in the world is produced byDeselect Answer A) China B) India C) USA D) Brazil 120. Which of the following is known as pashmina goat?Deselect Answer A) Gaddi B) Chegu C) Magra D) Changthangi Please fill in the comment box below.